"New Discovery"

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M/N was walking to their destination and pointed at the arch that was far from them "That's the place we're going to,right?I heard its a food fair near the forest..",San smiled "Seems you know where we're heading,wanna lead us to it?You can be in front with Hongjoong-hyung~".M/N looked at Hongjoong before grabbing the older's hand and running to the front of the group.Seonghwa chuckled "He's so energetic when he sees we're going somewhere but act upset when we're in the car",San smiled "I guess he's just happy once he sees we're near the place~".M/N was happily talking with Hongjoong as they reached the arch.M/N ran in but tripped,San instantly rushed over and helped the boy stand up.The older looked worried "You okay?Are you hurt?",M/N nodded "I'm fine,hyung~".San hugged the boy "You're such a delicate baby~",M/N giggled before going to Hongjoong.The older smiled "Hm?",the younger grinned "Let's go buy corndogs!I heard there was a market that sells stuff if you follow the path up the hill so I wanna go there after eating!".Seonghwa laughed "We'll go there once all of us gets to eat~",San ruffled the boy's hair "Just let us adults handle everything,don't worry~".M/N nodded before holding San's hand "Let's go~",the boys happily chuckled before going to the food fair.

M/N was with Yeosang buying chicken strips,he was back to his teen self and was just being happy.He placed some gravy on his food before running to the others,Yeosang chased after him "M/N!It doesn't mean when you're done acting like a child that you'll be out of my sight!".M/N giggled "Well,I don't give a fuck~",he went to his seat and smiled at San.The older smiled before seeing Yeosang panting.M/N smirked "Seems someone got tired chasing me because I'm prone to accidents~,the older glared at him before sitting down.Seonghwa laughed "Seems M/N stopped acting like a 10-year-old~",San looked at the boy "That was acting?!".M/N smiled "Is it worth it to see you sad?No.Is it better to see you smiling and happy?Yes.",San grinned before caressing the boy's cheek "Thank you for doing everything to make me smile~".The younger laughed "You're welcome~".Jongho rolled his eyes "Stop looking so lovey-dovey and just eat,you're ruining my appetite.",the teen smirked "Or its because you want to be treated the same?".

The others laughed when they saw Jongho go silent after hearing the statement.M/N casually finished his food and went to the older before cuddling him.Jongho placed his hand on the boy's head "San-hyung,can we have him by the dorm?He must hate it being alone in the house you bought for him.",M/N nodded as he took a bite of Jongho's chicken.San thought for a slight minute before speaking "He can stay in the place near our dorm so I can visit him if he ever needs me",Hongjoong smiled awkwardly "I just wish he could handle the noise we make...we know all about his short temper".Jongho pat the boy's head "Don't worry,he's the best at resisting to hurt noisy people if you give him something to do that matches the time duration of the start and end of our noise.",M/N nodded "I actually can tolerate noise when I do an activity that matches the sound's duration".Yeosang thought for a minute "So if we're loud for 4 hours,you just need to be something that ends exactly after 4 hours?",the boy nodded "Its as simple as that~".

Once everyone finished eating,they walked up the path that M/N was talking about and was shocked when they saw a whole market there.The boy smirked "The internet does have a reason to exist,right?",San nodded shyly as he remembered when he said that the internet didn't have a reason to exist.The boy smirked before getting Yeosang's hand and running to one of the stalls,Mingi's hand felt cold as he looked at the who before thinking : "I wish I could hold his hand..."

I'm Not Made Up of Rainbows and Smiles [ATEEZ x Introverted Male Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ