"The New Change"

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M/N was in the car with the boys as they were driving back to the house.The boy had his eyes glued on Seonghwa,the older looked at the boy with a smile "Wanna go stay with us at the dorm?We promise to not be noisy and you can sleep with your older brother,if Wooyoung allows you to touch him".The younger nodded "I mean,I can but San-hyung said I'll move to the apartment next to yours tomorrow because he can't handle staying up.The moving company will probably be by the house early tomorrow,for all I know.",Yunho grinned "You can stay the night by our dorm while San can get you your place by tonight,and the moving company can start placing your things by the apartment where you'll stay when they arrive here".M/N looked at San "Hyung,can I stay the night with you guys but sleep on the couch?",Wooyoung's eyes widened "Couch?!It would be better if you were sleeping with San and I by your side!".The boy sighed "I think someone forgot I'm an introvert..",the older laughed before getting the boy out of his seat.M/N yelped when Wooyoung placed him by his side.San looked at the boy with a smile "Don't worry,Wooyoung doesn't hurt anyone but he is very touchy",Mingi who was driving turned to M/N "Believe me,he is extremely touchy".The older went back to face the road while the boy was trying his best to leave Wooyoung's arms.He was about to throw a fit until he was finally released,he sat between Seonghwa and Jongho with a shy look on his face.He tried his best to not show his drowsiness but Jongho was fast at knowing it.The older placed the boy's head on his shoulder "Its okay,just sleep on my shoulder.We'll wake you up once we arrive at the dorm.",M/N hesitated at first before going to sleep with his cheeks already in a slight tint of red.Seonghwa noticed the boy's phone and smiled "Why is my picture and San's in M/N's phone?I even see Wooyoung here",San chuckled "You must now know how much of a secret fan he is,he makes an excuse that they're there because its to support me when its a big lie.I even saw his stash of our albums and our merch including our lightstick".Hongjoong grinned "I'll guess his biases are Woosanhwa?",San nodded "But he has a picture of Mingi showing his abs during MAMA on his phone so we'll expect him to at least change one of us".Wooyoung huffed "I already know San and Seonghwa have abs,I'll get them someday..",Yunho scoffed "There's no such thing as loyalty in a kpop fan but whatever floats your boat~".Mingi smiled before noticing they were by the dorm.Jongho smiled "San-hyung,I'll carry him while you go do what you need to do,the older nodded before leaving the car and heading in instantly.


M/N woke up before feeling scared when he wasn't on his bed,he calmed down when he saw San walk in.He held his heart before hugging the older,San smiled "Good morning~".M/N grinned "I hear noises next door so I'll guess that they're already moving my stuff there~",he let go of his brother before going to the living room.He yelped when he saw Seonghwa and Mingi wearing tank tops while sitting on the couch,he blushed as his heart raced.M/N went to the couch and sat between them.He fidgeted with his fingers before feeling Seonghwa place his hand on his shoulder.He stood up and went to eat breakfast before washing up.He rummaged through San's clothes before seeing the older bring his uniform for him.He grinned and put it on.He walked out the room and smiled when he saw his bag that was already fully packed with his things on the table.He put the bag on his bag and smiled "I'll go to school now,hyung~",San walked out the room and kissed the boy's forehead "Be careful while you're walking and don't be late,okay?".M/N nodded before walking out the door.Jongho laughed "The fact that he didn't question how he ended up here is somehow entertaining,San smiled "He has good memory,don't worry".Yunho suddenly spoke "What grade is M/N actually?",San answered "11th grade and close to graduating actually".Hongjoong walked in with a big smile "M/N's things are already arranged next door,anything else we have to do?",Seonghwa grinned "We have to make him some food because we'll be gone once he comes back from school".Everyone agreed before going to M/N's apartment next door,they all thought the same thing : "M/N is in our safe hands...We'll do everything to keep him safe and healthy.."

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