"Final Growth"

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M/N was in the van after his group's debut showcase,they were listening to their debut single as he held their debut album in his arms.The other members were posting their first posts on their official social media accounts.Chanyuk looked at M/N "Hey,are you tired?You're awfully silent.",the younger closed the book "Hm?Silent?No,I'm just reading a book for my English theater course so I can get my bachelor's degree and graduate tomorrow.I guess you guys and the Ateez members are coming?".Hangyu acted as if he was insulted "Did you think we wouldn't come?How rude!",M/N laughed "Fine,I'm sorry~".Sangyun smiled "I can't get over your high note in our performance a while ago,how did you do that?",the younger softly giggled "The magic of breath mints made me do it~.The mints just cleared my throat and it allowed my voice to raise to that level".Jung-il chuckled "I actually saw your older brother,Jongho-sunbae,and Wooyoung-sunbae get shocked at your high note.I'm probably guessing their ears rang a lot even after our showcase~",M/N shrugged "Maybe,we won't know unless we ask".The members stared at each other and the teen smirked before calling San.The older answered his phone and spoke "Hey M/N,we're heading to the dorm so don't worry.",the younger giggled "I already know that,I was gonna ask if the people who heard my high note still has their ears ringing~".Wooyoung scoffed "Gladly,it isn't!Your high note could have broke our ears and made them bleed!",M/N giggled "I'm sorry that I have a higher vocal range than all of you guys then~".Seonghwa laughed "We're planning to celebrate for your debut later so you guys better get ready!",M/N nodded before hanging up.Hyunggon held in his laugh "I didn't know Wooyoung-sunbae would get scared of a high note even as a person who can do the same",M/N smirked "My high note was just too strong for them,I guess~".

Once the group arrived at the dorm,they all ran out with their masks on.They went to the dorm and changed into some comfortable clothes.M/N sat on the couch as he finally finished his presentation for theater.He smiled before meeting Hangyu's eyes,he tilted his head and pouted.The older hugged the boy "You're such a baby~",Chanyuk chuckled "That's why he's the baby of our group,you fool".Sangyun and the other two boys walked to the living room before attacking the group's maknae with kisses.M/N giggled "Guys,its tickling me~.Stop it~",Jung-il shook his head.The older spoke in a lovey-dovey tone "We'll give you all our love so you'll be confident for your graduation tomorrow~",all of them turned to the wall when they heard the door of Ateez's dorm open and close.M/N yelped when he heard a knock on the door,Chanyuk answered the door and saw San who were with the other members.M/N ran to the older and Chanyuk smiled when he saw the boy's head pop up under his arm,Chanyuk ruffled the boy's hair with a small grin "Why did you hug me and not your older brother,hm?".M/N giggled "You said I was the group's baby,San-hyung would know that this is my childish and affectionate way of saying thank you without any words",San looked at Chanyuk "Trust me,that's a physical gesture of a thank you of his.I always used to get it everyday and get confused if its to thank me or just to hug me suddenly".M/N giggled before letting Chanyuk go "Since you guys are here to celebrate,how about we head on with it~",Wooyoung laughed before the other boys walked in.

After a few minutes of preparation,M/N and the boys were celebrating.The NVRLAND members blew on the candles of the cake and smiled,the teen was about to get soju but San took it.M/N pouted and the older grinned,the two knew it was just a joke.Everyone started to eat and the 20-year-old was shocked when Chanyuk fed him.M/N got shy but San smiled,the two older males fed the boy until they were told to eat on their own.M/N happily ate and talked with the boys,Hongjoong smiled "Does anyone notice that both our groups' maknae can do the best high notes?".Chanyuk nodded "Our question on why M/N was always called first for vocal training has finally been answered through our own debut showcase~",San ruffled the boy's hair "He's always a hard worker,and that's what makes me proud of him~".Jongho scoffed "As if it wasn't me who helped M/N reach those high notes,even Wooyoung helped.He's basically the representation of us in NVRLAND.While Hongjoong and Mingi made him and Hangyu the representation of them.Yunho and Yeosang made him and Sangyun the representation of themselves.You already know what you and Seonghwa did.",the other members laughed.M/N grinned "Is this a meeting,a debate,or a celebration?You guys are making me very confused on what is happening.",Chanyuk ruffled the boy's head "Don't let this mess of a conversation go into your little baby mind,just stay silent~".The younger just ate while the others were about to start a war.Everyone finally stopped talking when they saw M/N go to his room,the other NVRLAND members ran into the room instantly when they heard something fall.The Ateez members ran in and saw M/N fixing his bookshelf with his group members,Chanyuk turned around "It wasn't an accident,he just accidentally dropped his books~".San sighed with relief "Its getting late so we should probably go back to the dorm,and M/N..please don't worry me like that again.",the boy nodded as he got his hair ruffled by Hyunggon.

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