Chapter Six

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(April - July)

"Oh Marvolo! Come look! I think the boy's eyes have finally decide what color they wanted to be!" Harry called out into their sitting room where he knew Marvolo would be.

Marvolo walked into their bedroom to find Harry on their bed with the twins propped up and leaning against some pillows. Harry was surrounded by toys and books, but at the moment he was tickling them and basking in their laughter.

"What color has their eyes settled on?" Marvolo asked as he climbed onto the bed and scooped Polaris up into his lap.

"Hazel." Harry said between blowing raspberries into a giggling Pollux's stomach.
Marvolo picked Polaris up out of his lap and turned him until he was facing him. Polaris thought it was a perfect opportunity to try and eat his toes while staring at his Daddy's face.

Marvolo examined his eyes closely, a frown marring his face. His son's eyes were a perfect mix of his and Harry's eyes, Harry's emerald green and his own pale blue.

"They look lovely." Marvolo smiled and started raining kisses down onto Polaris' face to a chorus of giggles.

"They aren't exactly identical either, Pollux's have a little more green in them compared to Polaris' which have more blue. Which will be good for telling them apart." Harry grinned up at his husband, with little baby feet kicking at his chin.

Pollux had decided apparently that he didn't want raspberries anymore so had started kicking his little legs at Harrys face. Harry captured a little foot and chewed on it causing an explosion of giggles to erupt.

"Lunch starts soon, my love. Are you and the boys ready?" Marvolo asked as he stood, he lifted a giggling Polaris up to his face, giving the little boy a sniff.

"Polaris needs a changing." He carried his son into their nursery, and over to the changing table.

"Pollux as well." Harry came into the room behind Marvolo, and he switched babies once Polaris was clean and changed.

"Hello Polaris! How's my baby boy?" Harry started talking to him as he changed his son's onesie, which had dried milk on it, into something clean.

They had just started introducing solids into the boys' diets and Harry was dreading the time he would have to start weaning his babies. He enjoyed breastfeeding, how close he felt to them.

But he felt that weaning them might come sooner rather than later.

His babies were only four months old and he was starting to have suspicions that he was pregnant again.

It's what he deserved really since he and Marvolo didn't use contraceptive spells at all. But he had wanted at least a little more time between pregnancies, to spend more time with the children he had, to get to know them better.

After lunch, while Marvolo was busy working in his office Harry along with the twins and the LeStranges in tow, made their way back to their suite to floo call his healer.

Emelia Diggory was more than willing to visit, and flooed into the public floo room of the Palace before she was escorted to the Imperial Suite by a servant.

Narcissa Malfoy, who had been passing by the floo room at the time of Healer Diggory's arrival, immediately made her way to the Emperor's office.

"I have a suspicion that I may be pregnant again." Harry told Emelia when she arrived, ignoring the excited squeals she could hear coming from Bellatrix. Healer Diggory just raised an eyebrow before checking him.

"I only just rescinded the ban on sex two months ago." She said rather blandly as she examined the piece of parchment that her wand had spit out.

Harry didn't reply, ignoring the snickering he could hear from the corner where the LeStranges were. He focused his attention on Polaris and Pollux who were laying on their stomachs babbling to one another.

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