Chapter 11

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Blair's POV

My mom has been spending way too much time with Laraine. They're practically bff's. but than again, so have Wesley and I.

This morning, Wesley offered to teach me to skateboard to school.

"This isn't a good idea." I warned

"Trust me, would ya?" He was so eager.

He grabbed both my hands holding them tight as I got on the skateboard, and dragged me along.

"See, not so bad, ok now I'll let go and you kick off with one leg."

Before I can even question this he already let go. The worst part is that we were going down hill. I took his advice and let one leg touch the pavement. I can feel the wind blowing back my hair, and my arms were free. This moment only lasted about 30 seconds until the skateboard started going out of control and making me go flying and land on my face. Not literally, more like stomach, scraping my arms an knees.

"Omg Blair! Are you okay?" I can hear Wes running down the hill.

"Ow." I'm not in so much pain that I would start crying, but it did hurt.

Wes bends over, he tries to hold in his laughter.

"Are you seriously laughing at me right now?" I ask smiling, it's so cute when he's trying to be helpful but apparently he finds this hilarious, and just bursts out laughing.

"Sorry, it's just the way you went flying."

"Oh and you find that funny?"

He actually can't stop, it's making me laugh now.

"Come on, I'll carry you if I have to." He tells me.

"Oh please" I'm getting up, refusing his help. "I can do this."

I push his arms away playfully.

He backs away with his hands in the air.

We eventually get to school, even though I was leaning onto Wesley half the time.

"Stay here, I'll grab some band aids." He runs off.

He came back in a jiffy. He made me sit down against some lockers and placed the band aids on my knees, i couldnt help but stare at his eyes, his caring, soulful eyes. He grabbed my hands, put them against his lips and kissed them.

"All better?" He asks

"All better." I blush

He helps me up and this time I accept it.

"Wait at your locker after school for me?" He asks

"Sure." I tell him

* * *

It was a long BORING day, but I managed. I packed my stuff from my locker and waited.. And waited..

Ok it's been forever. Wesley still hasn't shown. Maybe he forgot.

I decided to leave, as I was passing random lockers, i spot Wesley's jacket. Not only did i spot his jacket, but I saw him smacking lips with some other chick! And that chick was Carly!

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