Chapter 14

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I turn around, thank god it was Keaton.

"Where are you guys!?" I panicked

"Oh my, chill. We had to switch lines."

He points to show me

We both laugh, I felt embarrassed.

"So whatcha looking at?" He asks

"Oh, just some jewelry."

"Well they're pretty... Ugly" he jokes

"They are, aren't they?" I laugh

"So what's the deal with you and my brother?"

I instantly go red as usual when someone wants to talk about guys or relationships with me.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Do you like him?" He asks

"Yah, he's a good friend." I tell him

He nods, and purses his lips as he continues looking at the jewelry.

"Why.." I ask suspiciously

"No reason, just thought... Never mind"

"No, tell me!" I demanded

"The way you guys act around each other, I don't know, maybe more than friends?"

"Oh, you mean BEST friends? Are you jealous Keaton?" I ask jokingly.

"Keaton, Blair!" Our moms call

"Come on" Keaton nudges me

I grabbed my bag, and we were heading inside the airplane, my mom quickly passed us our tickets.

"I don't know who's sitting with who but hurry" she rushed us in in.

Keaton sat next a little boy who was playing on his DS. Kicking the seat in front of him.

My mom sat next to an old man who was already asleep.

Laraine sat next to another lady, probably older, she had her book opened and her glasses on.

I quickly grabbed my seat, no one was sitting next to me yet. So I grabbed the window side. What I hate about airplane seating is that they're in pairs.

"Lucky me."

It's Wes. I was kind of happy that it wasn't going to be some random stranger.

"Oh no, lucky ME" I say sarcastically

He laughs as he reaches the top to put away his bags. His shirt slides up and I can see his bare stomach. I couldn't help but stare.

He sits down next to me dramatically.

"Please don't tell me you're a snorer?" He asks

"I couldn't tell you" I laugh, but I knew I didn't snore.

He pulls up the arm rest and crosses his legs, a bit of his leg was on top of mine but I didn't mind.

He also pulls out a blanket from his other bag that he had with him.

"Lets get comfy." He jokes

* * *


After a few hours of talking we got pretty tired. We shared earphones and decided to watch whatever movie was on. It was home alone, never get tired of that.

"Here, have some blanket." I tell Blair as I throw half of it onto her. It didn't reach so she scooted closer to me. I didn't mind though.

"Thanks." She smiles

It's been a while, I couldn't tell if she was asleep or not, all of a sudden her head fell onto my shoulder. I took a quick peek and her eyes were shut. I suddenly felt my eyes get tired.

I enjoyed this moment, and I was fast asleep in in seconds.

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