Chapter 32

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"So are you gonna tell me whats going on or..." 

He didn't answer, he looked distracted. 


He took a deep breath. "It's Dave." 

"What about him." 

"He's..."He shook his head, he almost seemed angry and my heart just skipped a beat. "He's dangerous Blair, like psychotic."

"Than what the hell is he doing in your home?" 

"He's been threatening me, and i-i dont know what to do and you cant be here when he-"

The door shut and i quickly whipped my head back. It was him. I was afraid he heard a little too much of our conversation.

"Wesley." He grinned. "I think you've said too much, dont you think?"

I turned to look at Wes, he didnt move, just stood there and stared. 

I had no idea what to say or do, all i knew was that this guy was dangerous, whatever that meant. 

"Well." Dave broke the silence. "Since we won't be seeing her anymore, might as well tell her everything." 

Wes immediately took a step forward. "Dont-"

He was cut  off by Dave. "Sit down" He said aggresively. "Theres something both of you should know." He continued. So Wes nodded for me to sit and he joined me on the sofa. "Im not very, uhm, normal i guess you can say." He chuckled and the goosebumps instantly rose from my skin. "Sarah, my step daughter, abot 3 years ago. She was something, but couldn't keep her mouth shut. Almost like you Wesley. So she  had to go."

"What do you mean had to go?" I asked

"I mean had to go, i loved her mom and if she found out i even laid a finger on her 'angel' I'd be gone. So i did the only thing i could do." He casually glanced around and walked over to the front door. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He locked the door from the inside, we had no way of escaping. Wes nudged me and whispered "When i say so, run upstairs and lock yourself in my room." Dave was far enough that i was certain he could not hear. I gave Wes a worried look, but he squeezed my knee. "Its going to be okay." 

"Could you believe they found the body, ha, who would of thought. So i had to move on." He began walking over to the kitchen, with his back to us. 

"Now!" Wes whispered. I ran qiuetly but he knew. He grabbed a knife and threw at me, just slightly missed my face. I gasped loudly and Wes was charging at him. 

"Go!" He screamed at me.

This was bad. This was not going to end well. But I ran. I ran to his room and made sure to lock his door. I didnt feel hidden so i opened his closet door. I could fit and i shut the closet door and slid down the wall and fel the tears building up. 

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