Jfk headcanons

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•After his sexuality crisis he continued watching Will and Grace w/ his dads because he bonded w/ them through it and he liked having something in common w/ them for once.

•Jfk is gay rather than bisexual(i know a lot of people see him as bi but I see him as gay. If you want me to explain just ask me and I will dkskshsk)

•He trips people during track sometimes because he thinks it's funny. Specifically short people lmao.

•When he and Cleo were dating they would bully freshman together.

•Jack bullies Van gogh for his hair colour.

•Jfk was questioning his sexuality well before jon d'arc.

•He is incredibly embarrassed of his music taste.

•One of the reasons he's closeted is because he sees how his dads are treated for being mlm. (Obviously its not the only reason but still.)

(A/N: I really hope that in the reboot they confirm jfk to be mlm. Whether he's gay or bi I would love to have representation of me in my favourite show.)

•After what happened on the docs w/ Abe after Ponce died Jfk started being nicer to him even though he was still a little jealous that Abe was dating Cleo.

•Jfk's favourite word for boobs is "honkers".

•He moisturizes but it's not gay because he "does it to avoid his skin cracking."

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