Scudworth headcanons

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•I dont have a sexuality headcanon for scudworth tbh

•He pretends mr. B is a replacement for Brian (his first born who he lost in a bet to the principal of gesh)

•Scudworth always sides w/ the villains in movies, books, etc. no matter what they have done or what they're motivation to be a villain is.

•When scudworth was younger he had a small moustache that he shaved because he was worried that it would give off the vibe of a dude named Dave rather than a dude named cinnamon.

•He does not understand deez nutz jokes whatsoever

•He thinks music is a waste of time and would rather listen to lectures

•He sometimes looks into the freezer at John stamos' frozen body and mocks him through the window

•Scudworth has also kidnapped geshy before but was too dumb to figure out that Geshy is a living being so he just screamed at it and when geshy wasn't responding he pushed it out of the car

•He still doesn't quite get the purpose behind using recreational drugs

•Mr. B taught scudworth how to make paper hats

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