Van gogh headcanons

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•Van gogh's parents put the bandage around his head to prevent him from cutting his ear off.

•He still avoids Gandhi lmao.

•Van is bisexual w/ a sexual preference for women and a romantic preference for men.

•He became friends w/ Joan and talks to her in the hallways every now and again and while she just sees it as a friendly chat every so often, the interactions mean a lot to him and make him feel slightly less alone and visible :^)

•He dyes his hair to make it slightly more orange.

•He pretends to hate the nickname Vinnie but he actually loves it.

•He gets bullied for "copying" his clone dad's art.

•Van is a fan of my chemical romance(you can't convince me otherwise).

•One of van gogh's sketchbooks is just catboys.

•He tried planting sunflowers when he was a little kid but it didn't work out and he was heartbroken but he tried it again as a teen and now he has a little garden in his yard and he goes out there to paint sometimes.

•He's gotten bullied for drawing random kids in his classes.

•Van gogh has lesbian moms.

//politics cw
•Anarchocommunist fr

•He uses liquid eyeliner because he accidentally stabbed his eye w/ pencil eyeliner.

•He goes by van as a nickname.

•He gets unbelievably angry when he's called emo.

•His favourite colour is yellow.

•He absolutely adores bugs (just like real van gogh :^) )

•Vincent painted his nails black once and constantly tried to hide his hands in his sleeves but one time in class when he reached for his pencil Joan saw it and thought it was really rad.

•He lays on his floor and listens to music on a record player while sobbing.

•He's actually happy while he paints :^)

•He purposefully made his room full of references to his clone father because he feels a very deep connection to him- not just because they have the same DNA but something more intense than that and original van gogh is a huge inspiration to him.

•Vincent got watercolours on his nineth birthday.

•He loves fields/random landscapes.

•Van gets at most 5 hours of sleep a night.

•His favourite time of day is late night/early morning.

•Vincent fucking hates Facebook.

•One time his mom gave him a plant for his birthday and he cherished it and took care of it as if it were his own child and he loves it.

•His clothes smell like soil and rain.

•His favourite fruits are lemon and dragonfruit.

•He lives nearby a park that has a fairly high dragonfly population and he loves to go there after school.

•His grades are absolutely horrendous.

•fruit loops r hiz favourite cereal

•he gets cold really easily

clone high headcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora