Stupidity is a human

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When Ophelia finally arrived at William's house she started feeling weird, as if she was scared. But she ignored it. Now, I only have to knock-

Her thoughts were interrupted when a guy that looked to be about forty year old opened the door for her.

"Hi? How can I help you?" He asked kindly.

She noticed he had jet black hair, green eyes and looked kinda sad... Ophelia wondered why...

"Umm, I'm here to do an assignment with William Crues... Do you know who he is and we're he might be?" She ask sheepishly.

"My son? Of course I know him! Come on, he is in his room waiting for you do you need anything else?" He asked kindly.

He looks like a good guy. Ophelia thought.

"No I'm good, thanks! I'll go see him now... bye for now I guess?" She replied awkwardly. Ophelia was always really awkward with people... it's like she never knew what to say.

So she went up the stairs and tried to find William's bedroom door. The first door she saw was on her left and was a dark shade of blue. She immediately thought it was William's bedroom because he was always wearing blue, so it might have been his favourite colour too.

She knocked on the door and was surprised when she saw that the person who opened the door wasn't William, but was a little kid with tired green eyes and dirty blond hair. He looked to be about... six years old? He looked calm and... confused? She wasn't exactly sure.

"Hi? What can I do for you miss? Can I get you a glass of water or coffee or something else? Oh I forgot! My name is Eli, nice to meet you... you must be Ophelia right? When will you and my brother finally get married? Can I be invited?" The boy asked kindly.

"Oh, no thanks I'm all good! Also, yes I'm Ophelia, do you know where William is? And I won't get married yet I'm still in high school buddy, I'm sorry." She said politely.

"Yep, second door at your right... also, I know our house is kinda small I hope you don't mind..."


He looked embarrassed... Ophelia was always really good at reading people, and she never really liked that. Because sometimes, you prefer to ignore the truth instead of facing it. For example, sometimes when someone hates you or don't give a damn about you, you prefer not to know... especially if that person was supposed to be the one that loves you the most in this entire goddamn world. Your own damn mother. But that's another story.

When she finally reached the door of the room that William was supposed to be in, she got nervous.

What if he's naked? What if he hates me secretly? What if-

She got pulled out of her thoughts when a boy's voice suddenly said...

"Are you okay? Why are you just standing there like an idiot? Come in..."

It was William... of course. So she went in his bedroom and the first thing she noticed was his bedroom's walls. They were... purple? A lilac kind of purple, you know? She wasn't expecting this at all...

"Are you okay? You seem... surprised..." he asked her confused.

"I just thought that you out of all people wouldn't have a purple room... I thought your favourite colour was blue or something..."

"Actually, my favourite colour is purple but I tell others that it's blue because... well... I don't like it when people judge me. Plus, it's none of their business really. I have a thing called social anxiety, never heard of that, Grey?"

"Oh I'm sorry for asking... I didn't mean to offend you it's just that- didn't your friends go inside your bedroom before?"

"How stupid can you be. Of course they didn't!"

Now, I'm really confused. Ophelia thought.

"Huh?" She said.

"You are seriously stupidity as a fucking human being. They are my friends sure, but they really can be extremely judgmental when they want to and... my house is kinda small plus my bedroom is purple. What do you think would happen if they ever went in here?" He answered.

But... he brought her in his house... and in his bedroom... but not his friends? She was lost at that point.

"So? Let's start this homework shall we? Let's get this over with." He said embarrassed.

"Sure..." she replied.

And that's how they spent the rest of the night, doing their homework. But there was only one thing Ophelia could think of the whole night...

Why me?

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