Poem- How is it not the end of the world?

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(Hey y'all, this poem is my english assingment a peom inspired by another poem that exists. But i really like this one. I feel like its relatable. nomatter the situation, So Enjoy. Poems have a differnent vibe read out loud. So i might put a video of me reading it on here or a different chapter so you guys can feel a bit more. )

It's not the end of the world you say,

As I'm sitting in a burning fire and you're sitting in peaceful waters

And I cry to try and extinguish the flames, but they only get taller

With every interaction I have the flames crackle in my ears like fireworks.

I try to talk to people about it by showing them my flames with vulnerability,

But they just turn away unwilling to face the steam it gives off.

How is it not the end of the world?

I'm on fire, everything I touch engorged by the flames.

Setting others into flames till we just stand there like a burning house in the woods.

How is it not the end of the world?

The flames tear at my already ragged skin, so dry that it keeps the fire going

Blinding me from seeing the days I could be just sitting in peaceful waters.

Deafing me from hearing the oh so familiar advice of hose off.

With my burned off skin I grab the hose and blow it at myself to try and get the flames away

But they continue to grow, getting higher with the days.

How is it not the end of the world?

Yes, your world might be mainly water, but mine is burning from constantly being hit by asteroids

So, don't tell me the world is ending, because my world,

Well, my world is inhabitable.

Maybe a species will crawl out and call this hellhole home,

But until then it's the end of the world.

Update :
I got a A on this. He said it was really raw and authentic. And he didnt mind the proverbial "fuck you" to the poem analyzed. And how I didnt outright say it. But the recurring "how is it not the end of the world?" Gave that off.

I English Assignment I did and fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now