having pups?

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Everything has been calm in these pass couple of days ally is a nurse around the village where they live at she gets home around two o'clock and walks in their room she sees Bea sleeping in her wolf form and Ally smiles because Bea is curl up into a ball on the bed

'I would hate to see what position she's in human form' Ally thinks

Ally sits on the bed in front of Bea, Bea can spell ally's perfume she opens her eyes and sees ally sitting thinking about something she transforms into her human form and sits up

'Hey, you ok?' Bea says

'Yeah, just thinking' Ally says

'About what?' Bea asks, she sits beside her and looks at her

'Ariana finally had her pups today' Ally says

'That's amazing' Bea says

'Yeah I know' Ally says

'Why don't you seem happy about it?' Bea asks

'Because you said around this time last year it would be us and look nothing happened, you keep putting it off every year when I'm in heat and I'm getting sick and tired of it' Ally says

'What are you saying?, that you're going to leave me?' Bea asks

'I don't know maybe, I'm going to get change' Ally says

Bea doesn't say anything, ally gets up and leaves When Bea hears the bathroom close she gets up and leaves

Bea walks to Lauren's and Camila's house but stops when she gets to the front door because she can spell that Camila is in heat so about twenty minutes later Lauren walks out and sees Bea sitting on their porch

'Hey' Lauren says

'You got a minute to talk?' Bea asks

'Yeah, sure' Lauren says

'Inside' Bea says

'Um sure' Lauren says, they walk inside and sees Camila sitting on the couch

'Oh Bea it's nice to see you, where's ally at?' Camila asks

'Nice to see you too, she's at home' Bea says

'Ok well I'll just go and pay her visit then' Camila says

'Ok' Bea says, Camila gets up and leaves

'You know don't you?' Lauren asks

'Yeah I smelled her when I got to the front door' Bea says

'Anyways what makes you stop by today?' Lauren asks, they sit down on the couch and Bea tells her what just happened between her and Ally

'Wow, are you afraid to have pups because of what happened to your last mate?' Lauren asks

'Yeah' Bea whispers

'Look Bea I may not know what it feels like to lose your mate and pups at the same time it must be hard for you to go through that but i think it's time to move on, Bea it's been three years I think it's time to start a family with ally i know that you're scared but ally is healthy unlike your last mate was and she's a nurse she'll tell you if there's something wrong with her but for right now trust ally on this one because she knows what she's doing' Lauren says

You see bea's last mate wasn't healthy when she got pregnant she had heart problems and had unexpected seizures from time to time and she had a seizure during giving birth then had a heart attack and died right in front of Bea so it's traumatizing for her

'You're right she is healthier then my last mate was, the other thing that I'm scared of is having pups during a fight with another pack' Bea says

'I will protect you guys with every last drop of my blood in my body if that happens because I'm your alpha and I won't stop at nothing to protect my pack from danger' Lauren says

'Good because I'm going to talk to ally right now' Bea says, she stands up

'Good idea' Lauren says

'Thanks for the talk' Bea says

'No problem' Lauren says, Bea leaves

Bea gets back to her house and walks inside ally and Camila looks at her and Camila gets up and as she walks past be a she rubs her arm Bea walks up to ally and sits down beside her and tells her what happened to her last mate during birth ally puts her hand over her heart

'Oh my god, babe I'm so sorry that you went though that and I shouldn't have said that I was going to leave you it's just I want pups so bad' Ally says, Bea takes her hands into hers and looks at her

'Let me know when your next heat session is' Bea says, ally smiles and kisses her

'Just one more thing though' bea says

'What?' Ally says

'Don't go to Lauren's and Camila's house for awhile' Bea says

'Why?, is Camila in hate?' Ally says, Bea nods yes

'Yup and I almost walk right into too good thing i can still smell strong stuff while in human form too' Bea says, ally laughs

'So how's your health?' Bea asks

'Its fine, like Lauren said I'm a nurse I would tell you if anything wrong' Ally says

'Good, you never did ask me when your next heat session is?' Bea asks

'Oh, um what season are we in?' Ally asks

'Summer' Bea says

'Ok good because i haven't had my heat session yet, I four a year because of the seasons in winter, spring, summer, and fall, so probably in the next couple of weeks' Ally says

'Do all luna's have a heat session?' Bea asks

'Yup' ally says

'Even Camila?' Bea asks, ally starts laughing

'Yes even Camila' Ally says

'Listen do you want to go for a walk and get away for a little bit?' Bea says

'Sure, and you would have sent that i was in heat like you did with Camila' Ally says

'Like I said before don't go to their house for awhile' Bea says, ally laughs they get up and leaves to go on their walk


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