Training day

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It's been a couple of days since Lauren's pack and the vampire had their fight now today is training day for Lauren's pack

Within their own little town they have a small football field that they do their training at like the size of a high school football field, Lauren is standing on the bleachers with Bea watching Normani, Dinah, Siope, Arin, train

'They are really good with their training' Bea says

'Yeah they are, ever since what happened to Ally they have been determined to get their revenge on them' Lauren says

'Well can you blame them because I can't' Bea says

'How's Ally doing?' Lauren asks

'She's still scared about being alone in her so she has one of us to be in there with her just in case something like what happened before happens again' Bea says

'She didn't deserve what happened to her, nobody here doesn't deserve it' Lauren says

Then they hear a wolf howling in the distance everybody stops what they are doing and listens to it

'Is that one of ours?' Bea asks

'I don't know, it sounded like a help call' Lauren says, Normani and them walks up to them

'What do we do?' Normani asks

'It could be a trap' Bea says

'Bea it's Ally that me howling, I found Camila unconscious in the woods get Lauren here asap!' Ally says, through their minds

Bea's winded, everybody looks at her

'That was Ally telling me through our minds that was her howling because she found Camila unconscious in the woods and said to Lauren there asap' Bea says

'Come on let's get go' Lauren says

They all transfers into their wolves and follows Ally's scent


They finally get Ally and Camila, now Camila is finally awake drinking water Camila sees Lauren and them walking up to them now they are in human form

'Hey' Lauren says, she bends down in front of her, Camila smiles

'Hey' Camila says

'You ok?' Lauren asks

'I am now after I woke up' Camila says

'What made you come out here by yourself? Dinah asks

'I smelled Lauren's scent and it lead me out here, but once I got here someone put a white rag over my mouth and nose then everything went black and I woke up to Ally staring at me then you guys came' Camila says

'I bet it was either the vampires or Austin's pack' Siope says

'No really!?' Arin says, sarcastically

'Come on let's get you back home, I'm getting a uneasy feeling that we're being watched' Lauren says

'You might have to pick her up because she tried to get up but she fell down' Ally says

'It was like my legs were asleep and numb I couldn't feel them but I can feel them now I just don't know if I can walk or not' Camila says

'Ok then I'll help you up' Lauren says

She helps Camila stand up and Camila tries to walk but her legs still feels wobbly

'Ok I'll carry you the rest of the way back home' Lauren says

'Ok' Camila says, Lauren picks her up and Camila yawns, they start walking

'Lauren I have to look at her to make sure nothing is wrong inside of her, so can she go to my lab first?' Ally asks

'Yeah it will probably be for the best that she did get checked out' Lauren says, Camila falls asleep in Lauren's arms


They get back to their town and goes to Ally's lab and Ally looks Camila over with Lauren closely watching

'Alright I'm done' Ally says

'Ok do you know what's going with her?' Lauren asks

'Whoever did this give her a sleeping spill, it came from a witch but the witch could have given to the vampires or Austin's pack but pretending to have sleeping problems then using it on Camila' Ally says

'Then why does she keep going in and out of sleeping?' Lauren asks

'I'm guessing it was a small dose, they used on Camila first just to see how effect it is before using it on whatever we are' Ally says

'Then how did they get my scent then to make Camila go there?' Lauren asks

'That one I have no idea' Ally says

'Is she going to be ok?' Lauren asks, Ally looks at Camila

'Yeah, she will be with plenty of rest and fluids, luckily they only give her a small dose, not a bigger amount because she would have been sleeping for a long time' Ally says

'Luckily you found her when you did' Lauren says

'Me too, she has to stay here for a couple of days and knowing that you're the alpha you're going to be probably staying here until she gets better' Ally says

'Yeah which means Bea has to be in charge for a little bit' Lauren says

'Well I let you guys have some privacy' Ally says, she smiles, as she leaves

'Thanks Ally' Lauren says

'You're welcome' Ally says, she shuts the door and Lauren walks up to Camila

'We are going to get Whoever did this to you I don't care if takes my very last breath we are going to find this creature and punish them for they did to you' Lauren says, to Camila 

'I love you, so much' Lauren whispers, she kisses Camila on her forehead


901 words

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