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Camila and Ally wakes up in this cave they look around once they get their eye sight adjusted to their surroundings

'Camila where are at?' Ally asks Camila

'Some kind of a cave' Camila says, Ally looks down at her ankles and sees that they are changed up to Chains

'Well we're not getting out of here any time soon' Ally says, Camila looks at her ankles too

'Wonderful, well the only thing that we can do is wait it out and see if Lauren and the others can pick up our scent' Camila says, Austin is easdropping on their conversation

'Yeah hopefully, wait a minute your wave link is not working properly but mine is so i can send Bea a message  through our message wave link' Ally says

'Oh that's right you can, try out see what happens' Camila says, Ally sends Bea a mess

'Damn it' Austin whispers to himself, he leaves


Back at the town Lauren just woke from being drugged basically and the others told her what's going on

'Ok I know that I should rest, that's what Ally would say but since her and Camila are captured I can't do that' Lauren says

'So what do we do?' Dinah asks, Then Bea gets a message from Ally through their messages wave link

'I just got a message from Ally, she said that they are alive and change up in a some kind of a cave' Bea says

'Can Ally send a visional?' Lauren asks, Bea asks Ally that

'Yeah, here it is' Bea says

Bea throws her hand up in the air and this ball of light comes out of her hand and a screen shows up from the ball of light and Ally scans from left to right and lands on Camila

'I know where that is at, follow me' Normani says, she leaves and the others follows her


They get to the cave in their wolf form and Normani, Dinah, Siope and Arin are standing guard outside while Lauren and Bea walks in, Lauren walks up to Camila and she's sleeping so is Ally, they sniff their mates to make sure it's them, Lauren starts licking Camila's cheek, Camila starts smiling then opens her eyes and sees those glowing green eyes in the dark and smiles sits up and hugs her

'It worked, Ally it work' Camila says

'What, worked?' Ally asks

She wakes up from a deep sleep then once her eyes gets adjusted she sees this black dog sitting in front of Camila, and sees Camila hugging it

'Lauren?' Ally asks, the dog, Camila stops hugging her and Lauren looks at her, Ally smiles

'Planet green eyes' Ally says, Camila chuckles, Then Ally looks to her left and gets scared because there's a brown wolf sitting beside her

'Sweet baby Jesus! Ally says, she puts her hand over heart

'You do know that's Bea right?' Camila asks Ally, Ally looks at the wolf again and sees that it is

'Aw babe I'm sorry that I recognize you, your eyes didn't change that's why I didn't recognize you' Ally says, she hugs her and Bea starts licking her face, Ally starts laughing

'Ok, ok, I love you too' Ally says, Bea stops licking her face

'Ok now do we get out of these chains?' Camila asks Lauren

Lauren walks up to her chains and grabs the chains by her wolf mouth and rips out of the wall and Bea does the same with Ally's chains

'Or they can do that' Ally says, they slip their feet out of the chains

Camila and Ally ankles are not damaged too bad to be able to transform into their wolf form and leaves to go back to their town

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