lost pup

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Arin is running in the woods in his wolf form because he's bored and Normani is at school for training as he's running he comes across a pup laying on the ground with blood all over him he walks up to it and starts sniffing it he can tell its hurt arin looks around to see if anybody is around and doesn't see nobody around

'Come quick a pup is hurt' arin says to Lauren through their link

He starts howling for Lauren everybody at the village stops what they are doing and looks at the direction of where it's coming from Bea walks up to Lauren

'Who's howling?' Bea asks

'Arin a pup is hurt, go get ally now' Lauren orders

'Ok' Bea says, she leaves

Bea walks into their house and looks around the house looking for ally she finally finds her in their room sleeping she walks up to her

'Babe?' Bea says, ally opens her eyes and looks at her

'What's wrong?' Ally asks, she can always tell when there's something wrong with Bea

'Sorry to wake you up but arin is in the woods right now and found a pup hurt Lauren wants to see you right now' Bea says

'Ok, can you get my bag it's in the closet?' Ally asks, Bea gets her bag and Ally gets dress, They walk outside and walks up to Lauren

'Ally you come with me Bea stay here because you're in charge until Camila gets here' Lauren orders

'Got it' Bea says

'Lets go ally' Lauren says, Bea and Ally kisses and they leave

Lauren and Ally transforms into their wolf forms ally is carrying her bag in her mouth then they get to where Arin is at arin is transform back Into his human form so does Lauren and Ally

'How did you find it?' Lauren says, Arin tells them

Ally walks up to the pup and starts looking over the pup and sees some cuts on them and looks at Lauren

'I have to take them back to the village and clean them up' Ally says

'Ok lets go' Lauren says, ally picks up the pup gently and leaves, somebody is watching them behind a tree a couple yards away

They get back to the village and Ally takes the pup to the animal hospital in the village well It's actually ally's animal hospital luckily nobody gets hurt often because she's the only one there and everybody waits for an update on the pup about an hour later ally walks outside

'Well the pup is a he, and he had a couple of cuts nothing too deep all the blood on his fur was from some other wolf like a older wolf like us' Ally says

'Like a bigger wolf' Bea says

'Yeah, he's sleeping right now, you guys can come in but be quite' Ally says, everybody walks inside, They see the pup laying on the table sleeping

'He's so tiny' Normani says

'I know, when Arin found him I didn't get to see how smell he was until I bought him back here to wash him' Ally says

What do we do now?' Dinah asks

'Well for right now I have to stay with him and keep an eye on him until he wakes up, in the meantime you guys have to leave because when he wakes up and sees all you guys staring at him he's going to freak out and be scared, he needs to be somewhere quite and safe' Ally says

'Too late' Camila says

They look at Camila then looks at the pup who's awake now Camila puts her finger up to the pup's nose and he starts sniffing her finger he starts whining

'He knows that you're the alpha's luna' Ally says, Camila smiles

'Hi buddy' Camila says

'Lauren do the same thing please?' Ally asks

'Ok' Lauren says

She stands beside Camila and puts her finger up to his nose and he starts sniffing her finger too and his tail starts wagging

'He knows that you're the alpha which means he knows that he is safe being here with us, Bea your turn' Ally says

Bea walks up to the pup and puts her finger up to his nose and he starts sniffing it then ally and the rest of them starts doing the same thing and he knows what they are

'He knows what we are?' Dinah asks

'Yeah he does, he can't be more then a year old in wolf form but I don't know about human form though, until he's ready to transform back into human form' Ally says

So everybody leaves but Bea and Ally to keep an eye on him Lauren and Camila tries to find out where he came from Dinah and the others goes back to where Arin found him out and starts sniffing of which way he came from


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