Chapter 002: Residents

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A doctor came over to the lounge as per instructions. Since Ami was better than she has been for years, the only person that would have needed one would have been Gwain. She looked towards the doctor who stood in front of her.

"Your highness," he said, "I think you should get to bed."

"I'm fine." she replied.

"How's your rib?" he asked, offering his hand. Not wanting to respond, she looked towards the teens who seemed to be rather happy, warped back to her room, and sat on her bed. Her thoughts and confusion about the whole thing was still swirling around her head. She heard a knock at the door.

"Queen Gwain?" it sounded like Lucy, "are you there?"

"Yeah." she replied. Lucy walked in. she looked a little annoyed.

"You called a doctor, are you still hurt?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Didn't you say your rib was still bruised?" Gerald asked outside of the door.

"Shut up, Gerald!" Gwain snapped. Lucy raised an eyebrow and sat down next to her.

"Well, if you didn't call a doctor for yourself," she continued, "then you must have called him for Ami. Mind explaining why?" well, that's not good. She had to come up with something.

"I was worried that he'd hurt her somehow."

"Do you think he'd still be in one piece if he so much as harmed one strand of her hair?"

"Normally, no, but considering how he knocked me out for three days, and he still has that smile on his face..."

"The Princess-"

"I know." Gwain put her hand out to stop her, "Ami said to spare him and how I just 'snapped' out of nowhere."

"What did happen there?" Lucy asked. She was there with the last human. She would know just how much of a threat they would pose. If she didn't see the problem with this human, then she probably didn't know he was human in the first place. Not that it would matter much if he could just beat them all.

"Well..." Gwain stopped herself as she thought about it. If she told them, soon everyone would know and if he even tried to fight back, people would be dying left and right, if Luna was of any indication. But what about him? He just saved Ami, and while he may be annoying, that was something that she'd forever be grateful for. But why did he save her? Was it out of the goodness of his heart, to appear as a sort of hero, so he'd have someone on his side, so he could sleep with her? Ick. well, his intentions could be pure or it could be lustful, but she couldn't know for sure since he's able to block her from reading his mind with his magic he somehow obtained. And how did he obtain it? Magic doesn't exist in his world. There were too many questions, too many uncertainties. She needed to reclaim some sort of control. If she couldn't tell everyone, she could at least tell a few trusted folks.

"Gerald," she called out, "get in here, and close the door." he poked his head in before entering and closing the door.

"What I say here cannot and must not leave here unless I say otherwise, understood?" Gwain looked at the two. They nodded.

"Ryan is human." she said bluntly. The two guard's eyes sunk.

"How?" Gerald asked.

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked.

"Aside from Ami, B-Top, my sister, and us three, how many people know about Earth?"

"No one." Lucy responded.

"Yet he does?" Gwain asked.

"Well, how does he have magic, then?" Gerald asked.

"I don't know." she said, "maybe something or someone gave it to him."

"So what do we do?" Lucy asked.

"We'll just keep an eye on him for now." Lucy looked like she was about to object, probably to try to take him out as soon as possible, but it seemed like she changed her mind soon enough. Gwain continued.

"Ami seems to trust him, and with Ami now healed, I'm starting to as well. But the thing is, a human is a human, and without someone keeping an eye on him, I'm worried that even if he means well, he could still cause some harm to Ami, to us, or to the people. We should also make sure he doesn't start blurting out what he is."

"Understood." the two said in unison. They stood up with Gwain following suit.

"Gwain, maybe you should-" Gerald started.

"I'm just going to inform him that he shouldn't admit to being human." Gwain shrugged, "and also see if we can find him someplace nearby that's not here directly."

"Why not just give him a place here?" Lucy asked.

"I said I'm starting to trust him," Gwain said as materialized her royal attire onto herself, "I don't trust him enough to where I let him keep us at point blank range. And remember, not even Ryan should know you two know." she warped back to the lounge. The three hadn't moved since she last left them a few minutes ago. The three teens seemed somewhat tired. Lanney was sleeping on Ryan's lap while Ami laid her head on his shoulder. He seemed quite relaxed. Gwain cleared her throat. He looked towards her and smiled.

"Hello Gwain." he said. Lanney and Ami slowly woke up.

"Ms. Ca'Hadean," Gwain said, "perhaps you should return home." Lanney looked at her for a moment before turning to Ryan. After he gave a nod, she got up and spoke.

"I probably should, my mother might be worried about where I am." she gave a nod as she walked off, "good day." he watched her as she left before turning his attention back to Gwain.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"How good are you at keeping secrets?" she asked.

"Very good," he nodded, "why?" she looked around to see if anyone was nearby. She didn't detect anyone, so she knew it was safe.

"You must keep your humanity a secret." she said leaning in towards him, "from now on, you are a Teoran."

"But why must I keep who I am a secret?"

"Not 'who', 'what'. Humans aren't exactly well received here."

"Is that why you jumped at me with murder in your eyes?" he asked. She just stared at him for a second.

"Yes." she slowly nodded, "and unless you want to risk hurting an angry mob, I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you."


"Anyways, I was also thinking of getting you a new place close by." she added.

"Really?" his eyes lit up, "where?"

"I don't know, I was just thinking we could-"

"How about that watchtower?" he pointed westward at the old watchtower. While it hasn't been used for years, you couldn't tell just by looking at it.

"Well," she thought about it, "I guess." it was a suitable distance away while not too far that it would be hard to keep an eye on him.

"Great! I'll grab my stuff." he soon warped away. That boy is... well, he's something...

-- for me, it's about 10 PM on Thursday as I post this, so yeah. also, since Lucy and Gerald are in on this as well, would you like to see the story from their points of view as well or just stick to Gwain's? anyways, whether you're reading this as it came out or reading this years later, what did you think? what could improve and what worked well? with that: thank you for reading and have a great day!--

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