Chapter 003: The Tower

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Gwain turned to Ami. She mainly just sat where Ryan was sitting beforehand. With the two being alone, now seemed like a good time to talk with her.

"So," she began, "how does not needing your headband feel?" Ami turned her attention to Gwain, almost as if she just noticed she was there. Ami looked at her for a moment before giving a nod. There was an awkward silence between the two.

"Um..." Gwain was off put about this. Usually Ami's quite chipper.

"You doing okay?" she asked. Ami just nodded. More silence. Gwain walked over to sit next to her.

"You sure?" Ami just gave another nod.

"Okay." every part of her wanted to keep questioning her to find out what's going on, but until that kid leaves, she'd have to wait. She sat and waited for Ryan to get his stuff ready.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived with a suitcase. He didn't really have all too much with him. Most of his stuff was just clothing. Made the move easier and quicker, she thought.

"Alright," he said, "I'm ready!"

"Okay," Gwain said, "well, your home awaits."

"Aren't you going to show me around the place?"

"No, I don't think so, the d-"

"Oh come on, please!" he put on his best Noobe eyes. She didn't know if he was trying to look cute or dopey. Gwain noticed Gerald was watching behind a corner. He was shaking his head "no".

"Well, I think Gerald would like to show you the place." Ryan looked disappointed while Gerald shook his head even faster.

"I would be honored," Ryan said, "if you were to show me." it seemed like he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and since she couldn't just call the guards to just kick him out, the only way for him to leave was if she went with him. She stood back up.

"Alright. Let's go." the both warped over to the tower.

"What on earth..." Ryan said as he looked around. The place was a mess. The result of years of neglect.

"Well, home sweet home." Gwain shrugged, "I take it you won't need help cleaning it up." right as she said that, the inside of the room began to warp and twist. What was once a complete mess turned into a three room apartment that looked better than where even she was living in. add matter manipulation to a list of potential doomsday powers.

"Gwain," he said, "I would like to show you around." he motioned to the center of the room. There was a couch in the center of the room. All the furniture was set to work around said couch, the TV, the bookshelf, the dining table, a fridge, a lamp, and a whole bunch of other stuff. The first side room he showed was a bathroom. Well, it was a bathroom. The second room was a bedroom, and Ryan seemed the most excited about showing it off. The bed had a mattress the size of 2 king sized beds. There were lava lamps and roses everywhere. No windows here, it was the only room without one.

"You have a nice place," Gwain said, "welp, see you later."

"Wait," he objected, "but what about the people down below?"

"What people?" she looked down to the bottom of the tower. There was an army of news reporters that were. She turned to him.

"Talk to them I guess." she said, "I h-"

"Shall we go down and greet them together?" he asked.

"Why 'we'?"

"Well, people want to know if you're alright," he said, "besides, I didn't announce Ami's recovery. I wanted to give you the honor." she looked back at the crowd then back to him.

"Alright." She decided she'd return to the castle after this. They both warped down to the people.

"I have good news," Gwain said, "The Princess is cured" they just stared at her before one reporter asked a question.

"How did you do it?"

"Well, I didn't." she referred to Ryan, "I have R-"

"Hi!" he interrupted, "you folks can call me 'Geo'." Gwain raised an eyebrow. This kid just kept getting stranger.

Seeing how he didn't seem like he was going to go on a murderous rampage, she felt like it was a good time to finally get back to the castle. At this point, her ribs were starting to hurt again. She was going to hold off on any physical work for the rest of the day. She warped back to the castle and flopped onto her throne. She noticed there was a cup of coffee on the arm of the chair. What's more, it was Ami's homemade cup. She made it when she was around 7 and despite its lopsided shape, Ami was always proud of it. So much so, she'd only let herself make coffee in it. She picked it up and slowly drank out of it. Ami may be of it for whatever reason, but she was still Ami.

--yeah, this chapter is a lot shorter, but I kind of had it planned as such. the next chapter will much longer. so, thoughts, opinions?--

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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