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Hello! Since this a sort of an RPG story, I've decided to share my custom playlist with you. If you're interested, look these songs up to follow the tone of the story. It really helped me while I was writing! Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, concerns, or criticisms don't be afraid to pm me! I hope you enjoy!

Walking down the narrow, dimly lit hallway, her straight black hair swung side to side. Her green eyes took in everything around her as she moved closer to her destination. Her hand reached up, adjusting her white buttoned up lab coat she donned with the matching skirt. Red heels and red glasses completed her fashionably professional look. Stopping in front of a gray, slightly rusted door, she quickly glanced at her clipboard in her right hand. Nodding, she confirmed to herself that she was, indeed, in the right place. Leaning over just far enough, she enters the passcode on the keypad to the left of the door. It beeps, flashes green and seemingly commands the door to automatically open to allow her access to what lies inside the fairly small room.

An empty room offers a cool reception. The only bit of bright light comes from a double sided glass window on the north side of the room that illuminates part of the area. Anything not in its path is left dank and unwelcoming. A bright center light on the ceiling, and the four cameras on each top corner hover overhead. The only other thing that fills in the space is a wide, rusty table in the center of the room with two metal chairs on each side. Slowly, she pulls out her chair, the scraping across the stone floor fills the silence. She sits down, and comfortably puts one leg over the other. Then places the clipboard on the table, reaching in her left pocket, only to pull out a small white remote.

Using muscle memory, she presses a button on the remote without looking, then stares forward, clears her throat, and smiles warmly at the young, tan skinned man with spiky parted hair dipped in reddish umber in front of her. His attire is as far from hers as it can be. Wearing a gray jumpsuit, sitting in the chair on the opposite side of the table with his hands and legs cuffed and bound by large metal handcuffs flickering a blue light. They couldn't be more different if they tried. Taking him in with her eyes, she begins to speak: "Ahem. Good morning. Please state your unit number."

Before answering, he leans back in his chair, relaxing, he puts his legs on the table as if that question has been asked many times before. "122124."

Instantly, she lowers her hand, checks something off on her clipboard with a small pen, nods and continues her questions in a professional tone. "Very good...Now, let's begin with our usual conversation starter. How has your week been?"

The young man chuckles very lightly, his eyes trail upward into thought, then back down to the woman. "Hm. Oh. Delightful. Heh, that's a new one I picked up. Sounds like some rich folk shit, eh?"

"Yes, that is new." The woman giggles lightly in response, yet again checking off another box on her list. "What was the word a few months ago?"

"Uhhh...Can't fuckin' remember. Got it," The young man snaps his fingers lightly, his memory quickly returning to him. "It was ecstatic. That week was a very, very fun week. Beat the shit out two fuckers who thought it was alright to put dirt on my name. I set 'em straight though. Now I'm delighted to be out of confinement. See what reading dictionaries do for ya, doc? That's book-smarts right there."

"Yes, quite so. Now, you know what comes next, yes?"

Slightly nodding, he sighs then motions for the woman to speak with a flick of his hand. "Yeah, yeah...Just go ahead and ask me so I can get the hell outta here. Haven't had any for months now. Fuckin' ridiculous..."

Her positioning changes to meet him where he was. Sitting up straight, gathering herself to maintain her focus with her slight grin changes to an attentive glare as speaks up in a tone to match. "Tell me what you remember happening to you on the day of Annihilation."

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