The Exiled Tribesman - Part I

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-The next morning slowly sneaks it's way past the breezy night. Lux awakens to an empty bed, loudly yawing as he sits up. After sliding out of bed, Lux expectantly sees Sakuro wide awake and sitting on her mat-

"Good morning, brother."

-Lux grunts to give a low energy greeting as he scratches his chest.-


"What shall you do today?"

I don't fuckin' know...Figure it out as I go along.

-Lux drags himself over to the bathroom door, and glances inside-

-Will you take a shower?

-After you take showers, you change into a new set of cosmetics or keep the ones you have on-

-Will you use hot, or cold water?
-Use hot water
-Use cold water.
-Let Sakuro decide.

Yo, Sakuro. Hot or cold? Don't really give a shit which I use.

"I water."

'Ight. I'ma shower real quick.


-After stepping inside the bathroom, Lux spends some time cleaning up. After he's finished, he steps out of the shower and dries himself off before putting on a new set of clothes. He decides to keep the L necklace around his neck. He puts on a white t-shirt with letters in red font that spell out: F U, along with tight, white joggers with diagonal red lining and white and red sports shoes. Finally, he ties a white cloth around his upper left arm. When Lux walks out of the bathroom, Sakuro glances over at him, giving him an accepting nod from seeing his new fit-

"I am fond of your fashion choice, brother."

'Preciate it.

-Lux then steps up to Sakuro, who meets his gaze as he looks down at her-

"Yes, brother?"

-You busy right now?
-You said somethin' about my room?
-Nah, I don't need nothin'.

You said some shit about my room not too long ago, right?

"Yes, I did."

'Ight. I feel like doin' somethin' 'bout it, so you comin' with me.


-After leaving the estate grounds, Lux and Sakuro enter the south district. Standing at the end of a sidewalk, Lux faces Sakuro with his arms crossed-

- Atlacall: South District -

'Ight, hell are we lookin' for?

"Searching for a furniture store may be a good start."

We gonna start with that, then.

-The search begins. Lux and Sakuro walk side by side throughout the south district. During the hunt, the two luckily find rare materials, as well as help a few Abnormals that are feeling a bit troubled. Eventually, Lux and Sakuro's search takes them into the east district-

   - Atlacall: East District -

-Lux and Sakuro examine the wide and vibrant streets as they pave their way through the district. After some time, they come across an enormous building with large letters above it reading: ATLACALL SUPER FURNITURE/ELECTRONICS STORE. Lux and Sakuro see Abnormals entering and exiting the building, carrying small furnishings or electronics in their hands or rolling larger furniture alongside them using equally sized carts-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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