The Extraterrestrail? - Part II

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Captain Gear:
What are you dumbasses standing around for?! Get him!

-Taking the damage from the tanks, there are only a few soldiers left. They reluctantly charge forward towards the man again in an attempt to rid themselves of him-

Yes, because this worked so well the last time.

-Joel Caineman. With Joel's vast knowledge of machinery and proficient use of gadgets, tools and other-worldly firearms, he uses area of effect or singular attacks that debuff, override, or distract enemies. Joel fights differently from the group that you're used to. Using light attacks, he fires both his laser rays, Batch and Siren, at singular enemies. Using heavy attacks, he fires powerful blast that damage and knock enemies away (Heavy attacks will require charging by holding the button and releasing). Using his skills, Joel can use different tools to his advantage-

-For example, his Beam grenades causes a bright flash that blinds enemies temporarily. Although the tools and ammo you can use are limited, they will prove to be extremely useful during combat. Joel's specialization allows his to deal more damage to any enemy machinery and control them when they're at low health using his Abnormal power: Override. Override will be a permanently equipped skill, so you can only use three other skills slots-

-While the tanks assist Joel by firing it's artillery, the soldiers' lives come to a quick end. Joel fires precise shots at their shoulder and legs to stagger them, and follows up by tossing small grenades in front of him, which explode into piercing shrapnel upon impact. With only one soldier left, he looks up his captain in a panic-

AAF Soldier:
C-Captain Gear! What do we do?

-The captain grunts in anger, instantly thrusting the gunblade into the soldier's chest for asking such a ridiculous question. He then looks towards Joel with a murderous intent-

Captain Gear:
You're all useless. I'll deal with this myself.

-Captain Gear leaps forward and lands in front of Joel. He swings his gunblade then points it directly at Joel-

Captain Gear:
Your fun ends now, Abnormal. I'm taking you in for questioning.

-Joel ignores Gear's words, instead, his sight is set on the gunblade he's holding-

Don't take shit that ain't yours, mate. No way in hell you know how to use Ace, so I'll be taking her back now.

Captain Gear:
Hmph...Come and take it from me, scum.

-Defeat Captain Gear and retrieve Ace-

-Joel and Gear engage in a instant clash. Gear deflects the unrelenting gunfire as he rushes forward, once he closes the gap, he swings the gunblade ending a spinning overhead strike. Joel manages to avoid Gear's attack, but is forced back when he's hit by an unexpected boot. Joel attempts to use everything in his tool belt after he lands on his feet-

-Grenades, flash bangs, shock nets, Joel lays it all out to stop Gear's momentum. None of that keeps Gear from harming Joel however, he either dodges, deflects, or takes the blow of whatever Joel threw. Gear laughs loudly in amusement with each successful strike on Joel. Eventually, Joel's body can no longer take the constant injury, and he falls to one knee. Gear immediately kicks him a far distance away, forcing Joel to drop Batch and Siren. Taking heavy steps towards Joel, Gear crushes Batch and Siren into pieces with ease-

Captain Gear:
AHAHA! That all you got, Abnormal? You're all just as weak as I thought.

-Joel groans, struggling to stand himself up. After a rough cough, he chuckles lightly as he wipes the blood away from his lips-

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