The Stowaway - Part I

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-Once morning arrives, the group gather in the briefing room of Ethereal HQ. They sit in their usual spots, and as always, Vern walks to the furthest wall and nods lightly at everyone in greeting after facing forward-

Good morning.

-Before Vern continues with his words, Klaus attempts to mock his voice as he speaks-

I hope you all slept well.

Thank you, Mr. Fulgur. That was surprisingly accurate.

I used to do puppet shows for the children.

Fuck did you want to talk about, Vern?

Ah, yes.

-The holographic screen on the back wall beams with light, displaying a large map of what looks to be a certain state-

This, as you all well know, is Alimoor. Ever since we took Meriport, we have been getting requests to join, jobs from anonymous employers offered to us, and odd cases that need attention. The request and the job offers are all checked for validation of course. It seems they are small Abnormal groups in hiding. This is a chance for us to gain allies to help our cause. There many things to do in Alimoor and it's cities. We must be ready when the time comes to attack the Baron's main base. Are there any questions?

Nah, we'll take these jobs and get extra pay. Simple.

Very good. Let us begin.

-Taking a state. Your objective, is to gain enough forces to attack the Sliver Baron's main city, and eventually, their base. As explained before, you can take cites, eliminate AAF leaders, help and recruit Abnormals, etc. There will also be special missions that will be available in certain locations that if completed, will give you many rewards. There are also unique missions that may help you gain a special ally, so be on the lookout for those. Using the map in either the briefing room, or the main map room, you can fast travel to different locations you've already been to or taken-

What shall we do?
- Fast travel
- Ask for information
- Special missions
- End the meeting.

Think we should end this shit here.

Very well.

-After Vern adjourns the meeting, everyone goes their separate ways throughout Atlacall. Lux steps out of the room, then approaches Dawson, who's standing near the holo map display. Dawson gives a respectful nod before greeting him-


Yo, Dawson. Wassup?

I'm not sure if Matthias told you already, but there are some matters that need to be attended to.

Fuck you mean?

I honestly can't give you a lot of specifics. Just know that if you and your people accept these tasks, you'll be well compensated.

Start with that shit next time. Now tell me what I'm doin'.

Unique Missions.
- The Stowaway.
- The Exiled Tribesmen.
- The Extraterrestrial?
(The Stowaway.)

-Will you accept this mission?
- Yeah.
- Nah.

- Choose which squadmates to bring with you
- Klaus.
- Vern.
- Jade.
(Jade, Klaus, Vern.)

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