Day of Revolution - Part I

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-The next morning arrives. Lux, Jade, Klaus, and Tora meet Vern in the meeting room. The trio sit in the same seats as last time, and Tora sits in the chair directly next to Jade. Vern walks to the furthest wall, then turns to look at everyone before nodding in greeting-

Good morning. I hope you all had a good enough sleep. Today is the day that the Ethereals come out of hiding and make themselves known.

-A holographic screen appears on the wall behind Vern, and he moves to the side so that everyone can see the display of a map of a city port-

Our objective is to take Meriport.

What's so fuckin' special about some random ass city?

Meriport holds a well known recruitment base in the heart of the city. Not only that, but it is home to a port where the AAF brings in foreign wares and supplies. This is not the only city port of course, but taking this will give us a stable front to capture other cities.

Guess that makes sense.

Lux, Miss Umbra, Mr Fulgur. Your job is simple. Destroy the recruitment base and take the port. Our forces will be fighting off the AAF to assist you as well.

Shit should be easy. Anything else?

Yes, two more things. First, Miss Zelterra will be your personal communicator.

Wait, wha?

I am assigning you to watch over and guide them.

Nice way of sayin' he don't trust us. Heh, which is cool.

On the contrary, I trust you will get the job done. Miss Zelterra is a smart young woman. I believe you all will work well together.

If ya say so. Don't really matter to me. What was the other shit?

I will also be joining you all in the field. Commander Dawson is very good at what he does. I have no doubts this will go smoothly.

Whatever. I'm done talkin'. Let's get the fuck out of here.

-Capturing Cities. Now that you are about to start your first mission, let's discuss how this will all work. First, each city has it's own unique layout and size, so you will be able explore while capturing to take down small bases, or simply help out Abnormals if you choose. Each city also has it's own AAF commander, and if defeated, will give you massive amounts of EXP, powerful gear, weapons, and materials for upgrades. Second, is the Forces function. If you look above the city icon on the mission map, you'll see a number indicating the amount of Forces that city has. For example, currently, your Forces are at 150, and Meriport has 230. If a city or state has more Forces than yours, that means AAF soldiers will be stronger, more abundant, and harder to defeat. To increase your Forces, you must upgrade skills, gear and weapons for Lux and his squadmates, capture and take small bases, and help recruit Abnormals to fight for you-

- Select the location of your choice.

- Meriport City. (230 F)

(Meriport City)

- Are you sure? (This mission will temporarily prevent you from returning to Atlacall)

- Hell yeah.
- Fuck no.
(Hell yeah.)

- Select the squadmates you wish to join you.
- Klaus
- Jade
- Vern

(Klaus, Vern, Jade)

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