The meeting

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*On The Roof *

Y/n's Pov

' Shit I fucked up....but he was lowkey cute...wait what the actual fuck...he wouldn't like me even if he actually knew me...I'd end up hurting him in some way without meaning to'...I was on the roof thinking about how I fucked up earlier. After a few minutes, I decided I would go back to class since it was about to start. When I got up I noticed I left a little blood from the cuts on my legs. 'Shit now I need to put new bandages on' ...I thought as walked down the stairs back to the hallways to find a bathroom.

~~~tiny time skip~~~

After I fixed my leg I got back to class and taped Mr. Aizawa because there were others in the class. Then went to my seat.

Denki's Pov

' Whatever happened earlier was weird af...I don't know what's going on anymore...I swear Mr. Aizawa was talking to a girl but no one was in the room with him....or was there....'  I then noticed a puddle of blood on the roof . ' what happened here. I then realized what time it was and ran back to class.

>>>~Time skip brought to you by a lazy author~chan~<<<

*After school*

~~3 person pov~~

as almost everyone left the classroom, only Denki, sero, Y/n, and Mr. Aizawa was there. Y/n was waiting for them to leave so she could leave because she knew if she moved again she wouldn't be able to stay invisible because of the pain she was in.

Denkis POV~

During class I couldn't help but keep looking in the back corner by the window, At one point I swear I saw someone at a desk in the corner but no one else saw them. It was a girl. She had black hair, grey eyes. She was really pretty.  I waited for almost everyone to leave, only me, sero, and Mr. Aizawa were in there...I think.

"Kaminari you okay?" Sero asked me.

"What oh yeah I'm fine..hehe...imma just ask Me Aizawa something real quick," I responded, coming back to reality.

"Hmm okay want me to wait for you?" He asked.

"Nah it's fine thanks tho," I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Okay, cya later then," he said as he walked out of the classroom. I then looked around the room for Mr. Aizawa but he wasn't there anymore. I then look out the door. As I'm looking out the doorway I hear something move behind me. I turn to see what it was and see a trail of blood leading out the door after I feel someone run past me. I follow the blood.

"Wait!" I yelled but still heard them running.  After running down the hallways they run outside and I follow. As soon as I'm outside the doors I can't hear their footsteps. I look around the ground and notice another trail of blood.

"Shit..."I whispered to myself. 'What if they're badly hurt' I thought to myself and follow the blood around to the back of the building. When I reach the back of the building I see the blood trail stopped.

"Hey. it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you I just wanna help.." I said in a soft and calm voice, trying not to Scare them.

"Gah" Y/n said she collapsed to the ground, passing out from the blood loss and turning visible again.

Broken   ∆ CURRENTLY PAUSED ∆   (Denki kaminari X Abused Reader )Where stories live. Discover now