The weekend

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   Denki's Pov

"well I don't want you sleeping on the couch and you won't let about we share the bed?" When she said that I felt my face heat up a bit and quickly turned away from her so she wouldn't see.

"Um okay," I said as I walked over to my closet, grabbing some clothes that were too small for me, so she can wear them.

"Here, you can put these on in the bathroom over there," I said pointing to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

"Thanks, also my name is Y/n L/n," she said as she walked over to the bathroom. 'Wow...she has a beautiful name'

"Oh okay," I said as she walked into the bathroom to change.

Y/n's Pov

I looked at the clothes he gave me and changed into them. Then I looked in the mirror, the clothes were big on me.

 Then I looked in the mirror, the clothes were big on me

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(Something like this)

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed kaminari wasn't in the room anymore. I thought he went to go get a drink or something, so I put my uniform I had on earlier in my school bag. The. Went to sit on the bed and look at my phone. I had 32 missed calls and 25 texts message from my father. As I was reading the messages I didn't realize kaminari walked back into the room.

"Sh!t..." I whispered not knowing kaminari was back.

"You okay," he asked making you jump a little.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he said rubbing the back of his head.

"It's fine, sorry if I'm kinda jumping...and no I'm not okay..." You said trailing off. He gave you a questioning look and walked over to sit next to you.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He said while looking into your eyes. You noticed his eyes were filled with care and worry.

"I-its nothing I'm fine," you said with water filling your eyes, you quickly looked down at your lap so, he won't notice.
He then put his arms around you and pulled you into a hug, causing tears to stream down your face.

Denki's Pov

When I noticed she was crying it made me heartbreak, so I put my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. 'It sounds like she's been through a lot..' I thought as I was still hugging her. I'm pretty sure she fell asleep while we were hugging because her breathing went steady and she didn't move. At first, I kinda panicked because no one has ever really fallen asleep on me...especially a girl. I calmed down after I looked at her. She was beautiful, even when she sleeping. ' I have to move her....but...I don't want to'. I then picked her up slowly and carefully, then walked over to the side of the bed with her. I laid her down carefully, trying not to wake her. After I put her down walk over to the other side of the bed and lay down. After a while of watching her sleep, and listening to her steady breathing I fall asleep.


Next morning~

Y/n's  Pov

I wake up to light shining in my eyes and the sound of a shower running. ' wait.....where am I?..... What happened yesterday....'  I thought as I sat up on the bed, looking around the room. I then heard the shower turn off, then after a few minutes I hear the door in front of me open and a boy with blond hair walked out.  He looked at me, then smiled. That's when I remembered what happened the day before.

"Good morning! slept for a while, I wasn't sure if I should have woke you or let you sleep.." he said while walking over to his desk to sit down.

"Sooooo, what do you wanna do today?" he asked while trying to brush his tangled wet hair.

"I-I don't know," I said while rubbing away the tiredness out of my eyes.

- until next time ;) 

(Announcement: I'm sorry this is so bad, I kinda forgot where I was going with this story....but I have a great new story idea, and yes my other story is a Denki karminari X reader. So if anyone has any idea of where this story should go please let me know. I don't want to discontinue this story because I liked the idea in the beginning...I might just pause it and start another one.  PLEASE LMK)

Broken   ∆ CURRENTLY PAUSED ∆   (Denki kaminari X Abused Reader )Where stories live. Discover now