Chapter 1

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In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore.

It's beginning to reach the level of ridiculous predictability rivaling most sit-coms and has resulted someone suggesting more than once that the class should definitely wear some bullet proof protective armor every time they step out of the dorms.

You know, just in case something happens.

Unfortunately 'just in case' seems to be a re-occuring thing.

And at this point, they should really consider it and just go with it.

It starts like it often does with the Class 3-A.

Villains are drawn to them like sharks, smelling fresh blood in the water. Eager to prove themselves, to tackle that troublesome class of infuriating brats who torment the League of Villains.

So they circle around them, taunting and smirking, flashing wide rows of teeth at them, and then, it's thick smoke and fight, white explosions tearing through the streets, lightning flashing, civilians screaming -

- car alarms blaring through the foggy air -

But when the dust settles, when the civilians are safe, when it's quiet again -

Izuku is asleep.

To be fair, everyone on the class 3-A has seen him passed out and drooling at least once, so it wouldn't be a big deal, usually. The key word being usually.

Uraraka says he sleeps like a baby bunny.

Katsuki says Deku sleeps like a fuckin' limp noodle.

And today, in the stillness of Hosu General Hospital, Iida says they should definitely leave Midoriya alone.

Recovery Girl couldn't agree more with Iida and huffs with obvious annoyance. "We do not know the specifics about the Quirk, so please do not make fun of his state."

Sero makes a face. "Aww, man, I kinda wanted to draw a dick on his forehead."

"Sero!" Iida scolds him, his eyeglasses flashing with extreme disapproval.

"How about a smiley face? 'Cause Midoriya is such a sunshine?" Sero grins, waggling his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not, no sunshines or penises anywhere - "

Katsuki grits his teeth.

"Can it, Glasses. How long's he gonna be out of it?" he demands, and Recovery Girl purses her lips into a thin line, deepening the wrinkles around her mouth.

"Watch your tone, young man. And like I said, the details are...vague, to say the least. The Villain in question seems to view this as an undeniable victory to his name - which is extremely reprehensible," she clicks her tongue. "Attacking children and gloating about it, my word. But we and the police department are doing our best to get to the bottom of this."

"So, what, he's just gonna sleep until you figure it out?"

"Well, the dude said 'Sleeping Beauty', bro, dunno what you expected," Kirishima points out patiently.

"Didn't expect it to be fucking literal, for starters!"


"You think Deku-kun's beautiful?" Uraraka asks curiously, her brown eyes very wide and very smug in a way that makes Katsuki squint at her.

He's seeing right through that 'friendly neighborhood girl'-facade, he's so onto your bullshit, Uraraka.

"Stop puttin' words into my mouth, that ain't what I said. Bunch of lame-ass losers, spewin' shit," he grumbles.

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