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Sloan walks up the stairs of the "Dee Homes Tower", walking past dozens of lost orphans, kids left behind, alone. She knocks on Harvey's door,

"Hey kid, mind if I come in? Kid?"

There's no response, Sloan cocks back her pistol, quietly opening the door with her foot as she sneaks inside, the floor is nearly spotless, a new window has been put in, the sticker still inhabits the bottom left hand corner.



The bathroom door slams, Sloan recoiling, wiping her eyes, letting off a chuckle.

"Sorry kid, I knocked!"

"Knock louder next time!!"

The two sit across from each other at a diner, Harvey struggling to eat scrambled eggs and sausages, fumbling the fork around, making a mess.

"God, how did you live before these things?"

"I managed, juice, water, soup, nuggets."

"Ah right, you strike me as a juice guy, milkshakes?"

"Nah, too milky, Mama Dee always says it'll mess with my tummy."

"She sounds like a wise lady, reckon she'd let me stay over for the night? I've just had a break-in at my house, pretty spooky stuff, I'd rather not spend tonight there, just feels... off."

"That's kinda weird but alright, I guess you're not that bad. For a cop..."

Harvey smirks, giggling quietly.

"Knew you had it in ya, come on, time to wrap up, you've got work to do!"

The screeching, beeping and crunching of demolition machinery fills the worksite, Sloan and Harvey stand In front of it, drinking their coffee, watching the machines of mass destruction destroy even the sturdiest steel. A large man walks up to the two,

"We don't got no hats that fit your head kid, sorry. I found this out the back though, 'make ya look like a real tough guy. You'll be safe."

Harvey spins the combat helmet around in his hands while Sloan turns to the man,

"Good morning Mr. Garrison, do we have our site ready?"

"What's there to get ready? No point in prettying it all up if you're right about this, I mean that one picture, the bridge, that's impressive stuff."

Harvey looks to his feet, staring at the helmet blankly.

"Sorry kid, how 'bout we get you working?"


Harvey places the helmet on his head, it sits loosely, even when the straps are at its tightest.

"So, we've got 3 materials here, steel, concrete and wood, as you requested. My men are gonna steer clear of your area too, if that's alright."

Harvey looks up at the garrison's grey mane,

"That's probably a good idea, can I start now?"

Sloan pats Harvey's helmet while strapping her own on, stepping back from the site of the old library, watching Harvey take his gloves off, his hands smoke when freed from their coverings.

Harvey walks up to a thick steel beam, standing far taller and wider than himself, his fingers twitching as he moves towards it slowly, repositioning his hands erratically. He turns his head back to Sloan, who gives him a thumbs up and a smile. Harvey's hands reach the beam, instantly the steel crunches, even the untouched areas distort and contort, the metal screams, contracting upon itself, forming a crumpled mess similar to that of a tissue. The crowd of workers and Sloan look onwards at the feat of extreme power,

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