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Harvey takes his right glove off, with one touch, he sends the locked front door flying through the first room, it's hinges blackened, as if an explosion had torn them from the door.


A man's shadow casts itself against the side of the staircase.

"Tony said I could meet you here."

"And what's that supposed to mean to me?"

The man walks down the staircase, his face covered in a fibrous cloth.

"They did this to me, you know that right?"

"It's alright, just come down and explain it to me, everything is gonna be alright, I promise."

The room goes quiet as he slowly walks down the stairs, each step yelling as he places his weight upon them.

"What if I don't trust you? Hm?"

Sloan takes her aviators off, tilting her head as she says,

"You can trust me, I don't break my promises. Promise."

"They took my blood, they know about it."

"Know about what?"

"It does things, gives me these... mutations."

The man steps into the light, taking off his mask, revealing severe burns that cover the entirety of his head, Including his eyes.

"They tried to make me use them, I didn't have a choice."

"Who? Who used you?"

"The big guys, Carlo and this tattooed guy, goes by Afa, he took my blood too, litres of the stuff."

The man puts his mask back on, looking to the carpet as Sloan steps towards him.

"It's okay, I promise it's okay."

"She doesn't break those" Harvey adds, kicking syringes across the floor.

"It's not just me, they want another one, this kid, I used to go to school with him. Victor Wright."

"Do they know where he is?"

"Yeah, and when to meet him there. Sunset Point up north, the highest peak. They're gonna take him, take his blood like they took mine."

The man walks towards the front door, straight between the two.

"It's Ichor, that's all I go by. Hope you can help him."

He steps through the empty doorway, slightly turning his head towards Harvey, nodding as he walks away.

"Ichor's blind right?"

"You'd assume so."

"Then how come he knew where we were?"

"Good question bud, I've got a better one though, what's for lunch?"

Harvey frowns, crossing his arms as he looks out of his window, a half naked man soars in the sky, breaking through clouds, spiralling and basking in the sun, his bright white wings assimilating into the whites and grey balls of fluff that litter the morning sky.

"Holy shit, Sloan!"

"What's up? Wh- huh?"

"Who is he?"

"I don't think we should stop off anywhere, call Mika please."


"Just do it Harv!"

Sloan raises her voice, turning on her siren and lights as she hits the accelerator hard, launching the two through traffic as the man looks over at the car. The man's wings stretch as wide as they can span, his speed increases as he b-lines for the car.

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