Chapter 9

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~Carson's POV~

One second I was laughing and pushing Sarah on the swings, and the next I was staring at a girl. I heard Sarah yell something but I wasn't paying attention to her. It was like I was hypnotized by her. She had long curly golden hair with dazzling blue eyes.

Suddenly I heard a scream. I ignored it thinking it was just some little kid have fun.

I decided to go talk to her. I went up to her and sat down next to her. "Hi. I'm Carson. What's your name?"


"That's a cute name for a cute girl."

What was I saying? Never have I ever talked to anyone like that. I was like a totally different person.

Then I did something that even caught me by suprise. I kissed her. I was expecting her to push away, but she didn't. She kissed me back. To be honest I didn't feel anything at all no sparks, no butterflies, but I kept kissing her anyway.

She broke away and gasped for air. "Wow," was all she said.

I nodded. I don't even know what I was doing. It was like a whole different person had taken over me.

The next thing I did, I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth. "Will you be my girlfriend?"


~Sarah's POV~

I can't believe that I was finally going to school. I was kinda sad that i wasn't going with Carson, but Christian is so nice and funny.

When we got to the hospital, I walked up to the front desk. "Um, can I... um, I don't know. Have an x-ray or something?"

The lady clearly noticed that I had no clue what I needed. "Tell me what happened and then I'll get you what you need."

"Ok. Well I don't think my leg is suppose to look like that so..."

She looked over the counter and gasped. "I don't think you even need an x-ray. It's clearly broken so I'll just get a doctor to put a cast on."

I nodded and went to go sit by Christian. "So? How'd it go?"

"She said it's definitely broken so a doctor is going to put a cast on it."

"That's too bad. Going to school on your first day with a broken foot is never good. Mind me asking, how are you paying for this?"

"I was thinking that since they gave me the wrong kind of medicine, I needed body heat from someone. Carson signed some paper saying he would give me the heat I needed until the medicine wore off. It's not completely worn off yet so I could use the money he has to give me."


I blushed. No one ever told me I was smart before. "Sarah Noonan please make your way to the front desk."

I got up and looked at Christian. "Will you wait for me?"

"I would never leave you. Besides, now I get to be the first to sign your cast."

I laughed and wobbled away. When I got there, there was a doctor there waiting for me. "Hello. I name is Dr. Culter. I'm going to put a cast on your foot. Is there a specific color you want?"

I thought for a moment. "Um... can I have blue and pink?"

He nodded and led me to a room. There was a TV in there. "You can watch TV while I'm putting on the cast. It takes a long time and I don't like to bore my patients."

I laughed. "Can someone come in? He's in the waiting room and I don't want to bore him."

It was his turn to laugh. "Sure. I'll go get him. I'll go get him. What's his name?"

"Car... I mean Christian. I don't know his last name."

He nodded and left. I can't believe that I almost said Carson. Just then Dr. Cutler and Christian came in. "Hi," Christian. "Thanks for letting me come in here."

The doctor just nodded and then got to work on my foot. "So how about we play a game?" I said.

"Sure. How about ten questions?"

I laughed. "Ten questions?"

"Yeah. It's like twenty questions, but only ten."

"Ok. I'll start. What's your last name?"

"Adams. When is your birthday?"

"December tenth. When's yours?"

"November fourteenth. Where do you live?"

I had to think about that. Where was I going to live? I'm definitely not going to go live with Carson again. Not after what I saw. Christian looked at me with wide eyes. "You don't have a home?"

"Well my mom is dead, my dad kinda hates me and so I went to go live with Carson. And now I'm not going to go live with Carson after what he did."

"You could live with me."

I looked at him. "Really? I mean your already doing so much for me. And I barely know you."

"Well I'm not going to let you live out on the streets with a broken foot. I'll just call my mom and ask her."


With that he got out his phone and left the room. "All done. Now you can pay now it at the front desk."

"Actually I was here earlier this week. I was the girl that you guys got the medicine mixed up with. The boy who was suppose to give me body heat bailed on me. I should get money out of that right?"

He nodded. "Ok, so I was hoping I could just use that money."

"That's works. I'm just going to go make some phone calls. Here are your crutches. You can leave as soon as you want."

Then he left as Christian came back in. "So what did she say?"

Thank you sooo much for the 300+ reads!!!!!!
I'm really sorry bout this chapter. I have pretty much no knowledge on what really happens when you break your foot.

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