Chapter 11

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~Carson's POV~

This is unbelievable. Sarah broke her leg because of me and I wasn't even there to help her. I was stupidly memorized by a girl who is now my girlfriend who I don't even like.

I was suppose to be going to school tomorrow with her, but now she's not here. She never came back.

I was planning on breaking up with the girl. I can't even remember her name for crying out loud! I was going to say that I wasn't thinking clearly and I would like to stay friends.

I might as well go to bed. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a very eventful day.


~Sarah's POV~

I told Christian's mom directions to my house. I looked over at Christian. He smiled back at me. I already feel more loved than I have in a long time. Which is really long.

When we got to my house, I got out. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Christian gave me a weird and confused look. I just nodded and shut the door. I took a deep breathe as a walked up the drive way.

I went up to the door and tried to turn the handle but it wouldn't move. I gulped. This meant that you would have to go around back and try to get in. It was riskier because my dad is always in the backyard doing who knows what.

I crept around I side of the house. I feel like a spy trying to rescue a damsel in distress. I peeked around the corner to see if I could see him. I couldn't, and I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing.

I army crawled over to the door and tried to open it. Thank goodness it was open or I would've been in a hero of trouble.

I opened the door as quietly as I could. Good thing the stairs were right there. I quickly but quietly ran up the stairs and into my room.

Something was off though. It was quiet, too quiet. The television was almost always on.

I tried to ignore the feeling and grabbed my backpack. I went over to my closet and started pushing clothes into my bag. I didn't even care to look at what j was grabbing, as long as it was clothes. When it was almost full, I went over to the bathroom and grabbed my toiletry stuff.

Then I went over to my desk and grabbed my side purse and put notebooks, pictures, and other random stuff.

The last thing I grabbed before I left was my teddy bear. I know I'm thirteen but I've had it forever and it was like my best friend.

I quickly stuffed it into my bag before running quietly down the stairs. I made it to the back door as the front door was opening. In came the familiar footsteps of the one person who scared me, my dad.

I quickly opened the back foot and ran. I ran like a T-Rex was chasing me. (I'd like to quickly apologize for the metaphors. I just have an awesome imagination).

I ran out front and threw open the door. I quickly got in and told Pat to go. I said it in this voice that made it seem like we were going to die if she didn't, so she spend off.

When my old house was out of view, I relaxed. "That fun and awesome and scary at the same time. I felt like I was in a book or movie or something! Man, I have a lot of energy. I feel like I could run a mile. Gosh is anyone getting tired? Good night."


~Christian's POV~

I couldn't help but laugh. I was starting to think she was going crazy. I do t care if she was, she and my friends are going to get along so well.

When we arrived at my house, I looked over at Sarah to wake her. She was so peaceful looking that i decided not to. I picked her up and was half way up the driveway when she spoke,"You God made these things called legs. They're used to walk on. I happened to purchase some a while back, so if you would be so kind to let me down so I can get my money's worth out of them."

I stopped and looked down at her. "When did you get so weird?"

"Well I've always been the kind to make someone laugh, but I was thrown into a pot of weirdness when I was little so that's why I'm weird."

"Well I think you're going crazy."

"Well that's already happened if you hadn't noticed already."

I looked at her trying to come up with a comeback but nothing came. "And he's speechless. Ladies and gentlemen he is speechless. Sarah now has one point and Christian has a big fat zero."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the house. I put her down and went into the kitchen. "Finally! I can wal-. OUCHY!" I heard from the doorway. I ran to see Sarah on the floor.

She looked up at me with an angry look. "These stupid legs don't work! I'm going to have to complain to the dude who sold these things to me."

I laughed at her. She clearly forgot about her broken leg. "I'm going to bed. Good night!" She said and closed her eyes.

I shook my head and smiled. I carried her up to the guest room and laid her in the bed. I kissed her forehead before heading to my room. I was took tired so I just got under the covers and was soon asleep.

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