Chapter 4

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~Carson's POV~

"Well I have some good news and some bad news."

My heart started racing. "Um... Could we have the good news first?" Sarah asked.

"The good news is, we found what was wrong. Apparently we have you the wrong kind of medicine for when we were doing the surgery. It should wear off in a couple days."

A big smile started to grow on my face. "Wait, then what's the bad news?" I asked.

"Well since it's not going to wear off for a while, you're going to keep needing body heat until it does wear off. You can also leave in an hour if you sign some papers. You're parents already payed for it so all you have to do is sign some papers saying that you will keep giving her body heat."

"Well that's just weird," Sarah said. "What are we going to do?"

I thought for a moment. "Well what would be best for you? I mean you can stay over at my house until it wears away or something."

"Yeah I think that would be best. Now how about you put your shirt on and go sign some papers. I'm going to change."

I laughed, and put on my shirt. I left her there so I could sign the papers. As I went to the front desk, I noticed something different. I looked outside and saw some paparazzi taking photos. 'Oh no' I thought.

I quickly signed the paper work and headed back to Sarah's room. When I got there she was in the bed shivering. I ran over to her and hugged her.

"I think the affects of your warmth wore off," she said laughing.

"Yeah. You ready to go?" I asked her.

She nodded and got up. She tried to walk, but failed. "Here," I said and picked her up.

When we got to the elevator I told her, "So there might be some paps out there. Don't worry though. Just hide your face and you'll be fine. I'm having a car pick us up."

She nodded and dug her head into my chest. I took a deep breath as the elevator doors opened.

As soon as I was outside flashes started going off as well as questions.

"Who is she?"

"Are you two dating?"

But one comment caught my attention. "Eww. Why are you with her? She's so ugly."

I so badly want to shout in that persons face and yell at them for saying something so mean like that, but I had to get Sarah to the car. I knew she heard that and I needed to get her away from that so she couldn't here any more of it.

As soon as we got in the car and buckled in, I looked to her. She wasn't crying at all. Instead she was laughing. I was so confused.

"What? Did u think u would be crying? Sorry, but it looks like you don't know a lot about me. Words like that don't get to me as easily as you would think."

I started laughing too. "Go to sleep. It's going to be awhile until we get to my house."

She nodded and rested her head my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and soon we were both asleep.


~Sarah's POV~

I actually sleeping and not having the same nightmare. Which was weird because I always have it.

Suddenly someone started speaking to me," Sarah, Sarah you need to wake up. We are here."

I realized it was Carson. I opened my eyes to see his face over me. "C'mon. We're here," he said.

I got out and stretched. I tried to walk, but I couldn't. I was so close, but I fell. Carson laughed at me which made me pout. He pick me up and brought me inside. "I'll give you the grand tour of the house and then you can meet my parents."

"Oh yay," I said and rolled my eyes.

Carson smirked. "What, don't you want to meet my parents?"

"No, no I do not." I crossed my arms.

"Well too bad," Carson laughed as he gave me the grand tour.

As he was showing me around, I decided to question him with my annoying questions. "So what's your favorite color?"

"Lime green."

"When's your birthday?"

"July 26."

"Why do you have a big house?"

"My family felt like having a big house."

"When can I walk again?"

"I don't know. When can I stop asking questions?"

"You didn't have to start, but I made it farther with my annoying question game than a lot of other people."

"You do this to everyone?"

"Yeah. You made it four questions. The last only made it three."

"I feel bad for who ever had to do that."

"Well you're the first one so feel bad for yourself. Okay, two more questions. Are you ready?" I asked as we sat in the couch.


"Are you famous?"

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