The second letter

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The second letter

It was a rainy day when I woke up, and I wished I could stay in bed for a bit longer. I got dressed and made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sank down next to some other Gryffindors.

"Hey, y/n are you ok?" Hermione smiled at me while she poured cereal into her breakfast bowl.

"Yeah I guess, I'll tell you later." I didn't think telling her now was a good idea, as some other Gryffindors were sitting right next to us.

I buttered my toast and was just about to take a bite when some Hufflepuffs approached our table. They walked past me and started giggling. I just gave them an inquiringly look and one of them whispered "You wish." They all burst out laughing and walked past me.

"What the hell?" Hermione seemed confused.

Fuck. I realized it when I saw Cedric and his two friends approach our table. He had a big smirk on his face and frowned, biting his lower lip.

"Are you for real?" I just looked at him, not knowing what to respond. I swallowed and waited for him to say something else.

"I mean, I take it as a compliment. But no, thanks." His two friends who always surrounded him started burst out laughing and Cedric shook his head laughing as well.

I was so embarrassed. It felt like everyone heard what he said. They turned around and walked back to the Hufflepuff table.

"I'm so sorry, y/n." Hermione looked caring and placed her hand on my shoulder. I was glad she was there. Hermione was always there when I needed her. I kept my gaze down on my plate and continued eating.

After finishing breakfast, I quickly made my way out of the Great Hall in order to save myself from further embarrassment. I was already out on the hallway when I heard a voice call my name.

"Y/n!" I froze and slowly turned around. It was Cedric.

"I hope you didn't take that too serious. I was joking." This was the worst apology I had ever heard. Cedric was the most popular guy in school, and he knows that. Girls seemed to love his humour. A lot. (Apart from his looks obviously). I don't know a single girl who didn't have a crush on him at some point in her life.

"Don't worry, I wrote that letter a long time ago." I felt anger raise inside of me, as I didn't want him to find out about my feelings in the first place. Because I knew he would reject me.

"What? So you don't have a crush on me?"

"No." I tried to look like I didn't care but to be honest I was pretty bad at it.

"So what, you think I'm not funny? You think I'm not attractive?" Now he looked rather angry. What was his fucking problem?

"Sure, you are. I just wrote that letter a long time ago and it's not how I feel anymore." I snatched the letter he was still holding out of his hand and turned around, walking away quickly.

"Hey!" his voice seemed angry, but I decided to keep walking. He was such an idiot. He was so full of himself, I don't know why he even needed my recognition.


I ran up the stairs to my dorm and threw myself on the bed. This day was the worst. I was so angry with myself. Why did I even write these letters? I wished I never did. I got up and checked on the box under my bed which normally had all 5 letters inside it, but they were all gone. I was so mad.

It could only have been a Gryffindor as no one else knew the password. But who? I couldn't think of a single Gryffindor who would do such thing. I just knew that the 2 letters that had gotten out already weren't even the worst. The 3 coming up next. They would destroy me.

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