The third letter

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The third letter

We were all pretty much hung over after last night. I don't know who made that punch, but that person definitely didn't skimp with the booze.

We all had dark circles under our eyes, since no Gryffindor got a lot of sleep last night. We were all happy that first period was defense against the dark arts with Lupin and not potions with Snape.

I almost fell asleep on my desk when one of the Slytherin girls approached my table.

"Hung over? Hope you didn't write another love letter, l/n." She clicked her tongue and the two Slytherin girls behind her started laughing like she made the best joke they had ever heard.

I hated Pansy Parkinson with my whole heart. When ever there was a rumour at Hogwarts, she was the first person to gossip about it. I tried to ignore her, until she left my table and sat down a row behind me.

I turned my head and looked straight ahead, since Professor Lupin had entered the classroom.

"Good morning, class."

I was just about to close my eyes again and lean my head onto my arms, when I saw it. The letter. On his desk. Fuck.

Instant panic shot through my body and suddenly I was more awake than ever. I had completely forgotten about this one. I wrote it in my second year at Hogwarts when everyone else was crushing on Gilderoy Lockhart and I seemed to be the only one who had interest into another Hogwarts teacher.

My eyes shot back to the letter and I panicked again. Had he already read it? I prayed he didn't. I just needed to distract him somehow after class and get it back. But what if he had already read it? Oh my god, this was so embarrassing.

I tried to remember what I had written in that letter, but it was such a long time ago, I wasn't sure anymore. All I know is that I would sell my soul if that meant he wouldn't read it.

I tried to analyse his facial expressions, but there was nothing unusual.

Lupin held a lecture about shackling-spells, when I suddenly had an idea. I waited until he turned around to write something on the black board. The grip around my wand under my desk intensified, and I gave it a small swing. Accio letter. I whispered so quietly that I hoped no one heard it and the letter flew into my empty hand so fast that even I couldn't see it.

Relief flew through my body and I couldn't believe that this had actually worked. I smiled to myself and was more than happy that I got it back, until I heard a slight scoff behind me.

It was Pansy's voice. From the corner of my eyes I could see that she had her eyes fixed on the letter in my hand. Oh no. If she knew, everyone at Hogwarts would know in less than a day.


Ginny and I walked over to the Quidditch field, since practice was about to start in 15 minutes.

"Is Harry not coming?"

"He went early today. Him and Wood wanted to do some extra warm up for the game this weekend." She smiled and started to giggle. "And by the way, thanks for the dare thing at the party. You really saved me. I think it worked."

"No problem." I had to smirk. "I knew he wouldn't last 7 minutes with you in that dress."

Ginny kept giggling, but than her face got serious again. "Oh and about that party... We haven't really talked about it yet. How did it go with Wood?"

I sighed. "Bad. Really bad." I took a sharp breath in before going on. "Honestly, I think he hates me. He talked to me like I'm a child. It was so embarrassing."

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