The fourth letter

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The fourth letter

The atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room was icy since the loss against Slytherin yesterday. Everyone seemed to be mad, although it wasn't anyone's fault really.

I still avoided Oliver, and he did the same thing to me. The only positive piece of news was that things between Harry and Ginny were back to normal and Harry had stopped talking to Cho.

It had one disadvantage though, since Ginny turned down my offer to fly around Hogwarts this afternoon, because she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with Harry. It was okay though. I didn't mind spending some time by myself.

I made my way to the lockers to pick up my broom and change clothes. I had almost reached the Quidditch field when I saw a Slytherin come towards me from the field. It was Draco.

"Missed you at Quidditch yesterday." He had a big smirk on his face as he probably knew that Oliver had kicked me off the team.

"Well, congratulations on your victory." I said and forced myself to smile.

"Thanks!" he came closer to me. "I wonder if I would have been able to catch it if you had been there instead." He raised an eyebrow and fixed his gaze on my eyes.

"Guess we'll have to find out another time." I was just about to walk past him, when he stepped in my way.

"Not so fast, l/n." his voice got deeper. "Is it true that you got kicked off?"

"Yes. What do you care?"

He started laughing. "I don't. I just think it's funny that you crush on someone way out of your league."

"Shut up, Malfoy." I tried to stay calm, but it wasn't that easy with his sassy face expressions.

I noticed how one of his hands slipped into the pocket of his cloak.

"I mean, you can't possibly think I would be interested in you, right?" he held the letter up in front of him and had a big smirk on his face.

Fuck. Now I knew who he was talking about.

"Give it back, Malfoy!" I screamed at him angrily.

"Oh, most definitely not." He went through his hair with his other hand. "I mean, you love it when I go through my beautiful blonde hair that always looks perfect, right?" he laughed once more and held the letter higher, so I couldn't reach it.

"This is way too ridiculous to give it back to you. To be honest I was just thinking about showing it around." He winked at me with a devilish smile on his face and leaned in closer to me.

"Don't think for a fucking second that I would fall for someone like you." I pushed him away from me with all my strength.

"Did you just push me? Do that one more time and I'll get you expelled, mudblood!"

"Back off, Malfoy!" Draco and I both turned around by Oliver's words.

"Oh, came to save your little girl, Wood?" Draco scoffed into his direction.

Oliver came closer and pushed Draco backwards. "Call her mudblood one more fucking time and I swear to god, I'll make you fall of your firebolt."

Draco pushed him back aggressively and turned around with an angry expression on his face, strutting away from us.

My body was shaky, but I gathered all my courage and looked into Oliver's eyes. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." He broke eye contact. "I didn't do it for you, I did it because he pisses me of." He paused for a minute.

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