Chapter 1 / Intro

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Red; adj
: inciting or endorsing radical social or political change by force.

Violence was always an option. It’s always an option when everyone around you can never seem to get along for more than two weeks. No one ever really wants to incite violence. 

    No one but him.

He’d tried to change over the years, but there was something wretched with him. He heard things constantly, things that electrified his bloodlust. Voices, whispers of the night. He had no rest, only when he gave into the urges and sacrificed. 

He was feared. And fear makes people do things. Things they wouldn’t normally do under safer circumstances. Pictures were painted of words, telling of him, his towering stature, fearsome tusks, wide frame, and terrifying eyes. Eyes that looked down to you with such a hunger for blood you could feel it in your veins. This was the image told and retold throughout the country. 

A country broken apart numerous times, now riddled and overgrown with vines and spindly greenery. No one could really have this country, no one but mother nature herself. She was the only one to tame it in the end. 

And yet through all the accounts of terror I had been told, I still was so puzzled. I had heard of Ranboo, who had powers of enchanted scrolls on his fingertips, and I had heard of Phil, who had wings that of a bird, yet the span was twice the size of Phil himself. These all perplexed me. Such unnatural traits were common here. But all of those who had them seemed to flock together. From what I have heard all three, Ranboo, Phil and The Blade were together, deep in the snowy mountainous wasteland. Tommy had lived there for a time. That means there was a way to get there. My studious nature wanted to understand these deviants. They refused to be a part of the mess L’Manburg had made, after The Blade’s attempted execution and the second war. 

I peered around my small home. It was cozily tucked into a cliffside just outside of the now crater of a country. I had known better than to settle in that forsaken land. My possessions were little. I had my books, lots of books. They toppled off the shelves in cascading waterfalls, strewn on the floor in a semi-organized chaos. Little trinkets sat amidst them, small tokens I had found in my studies. Small gems, a necklace, and a compass were among them. The compass belonged to Tommy. I had picked it up after the fray of the second war which I had refused to participate in. I wasn’t one for peace but I also wanted nothing to do with the senseless destruction of an entire ecosystem of culture and memories. Nonetheless I now possessed the precious artifact. It didn’t hold any leverage in my eyes, but if it was ever needed I could use it. A sword glistened in the light, leaned up lazily against a bookshelf. It hadn’t been used in a while. I took a long look at it, gazing at the details carved into the hilt. It gazed back at me, as if to say how lonely it had been. I shook my head slightly. I try not to pick it up these days. 

I started to gather my things, which included the item that had gotten me on this track from the start. Another compass. 

This one I had found randomly in the woods on the outskirts of L’Manburg, nestled under a rock but still shining ever so slightly. It was meant to be hidden and normally I’d leave such a thing alone, until I noticed a slight engraving. Phil’s name was on this compass. I picked it up and dusted it off. Where did it point? I moved with the needle as it directed me in a direction I hadn’t been before. I peered over the horizon as an idea formed in the back of my mind.

And now here I was, rationing out my food to take on a journey of pure luck.

I was going to find The Blade, and I was going to see him for myself. 

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