Chapter 2

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Shuffling my feet across the snowy ground, I stumbled. The journey was long and I had no idea where I was going. The colder it got however, the more excited I became. Phil, Ranboo and The Blade all supposedly lived deep into the mountains, where the snow cast a cloak of secrecy. I pulled my cape up to my nose to keep the frigid air out of my nostrils. With each sharp breath I took I felt a pang in my chest. I loved the cold, but I didn't do very well for long hours exposed to it. Quite frankly no one does. 

I had been traveling for two days. My morale was still high, yet at times I faltered. Was this compass really Phil's? Or had I simply fallen for a trap? These fears clouded my mind like the snow that was obstructing my vision. Yet I kept on. I kept on and on until I saw a small flicker. A mere glimpse. It was there and then it was gone. But for the moment it was there I was so sure of success I took faith in it wholeheartedly and lunged forward. I threw myself at the light, the hope. I kept going, only getting faster as I grew closer. I could practically feel the warmth of the light, even if it was merely a morsel. I saw it again, closer, so much closer, and I ran to it. I ran to it so fast I actually ran into it. 

"Woah-" I exclaimed as I stumbled forward onto a figure who let out a stark grunt, and fell over into the snow with a solid crunch.

We both scrambled to get up. With tensions so high in the surrounding lands, running into someone suddenly could be the end of you. I gripped the sword on my hip tightly as I squinted up and the figure. They were crouched just like me, but obviously more suited for the cold. Clad in a furry deep crimson cape that flew behind them in the turbulent winds, and an undercoat that was, by the look of it, wool all the way through. They had no hat covering their long flowing hair, and I looked up, mouth agape for a moment. A woman? Of such stature? Or was it merely the bulking layering that made her look this way? The figure let out another, louder grunt as they got to their feet and slid their foot back through the slush into a more defensive stance. Once I heard that, I knew this was no woman. The gold crown atop their head shone in the light of the lantern that had fallen to the ground in the tumble. I reached for the lanturn slowly, and offered it back to the figure. 

"I merely come for research purposes friend. I wish no harm to you." I yell out to them through the howling winds. 

They reach out and take the lantern. They look me up and down before letting out a monotone,
"Follow me then, it's cold out here."

Surprised, but relieved, I followed the figure as they turned and started the trek somewhere off into the snow, I made sure to follow closely, to shield myself from the wind and also not lose sight of them. Soon I saw a large tower, similar to those made by Tommy, just about anywhere. I nearly let out a gasp, but held my composure. Tommy had stayed with The Blade once before, after he had been exiled. Does this mean that the cozy and warm cottage nestled into these hills belongs to The Blade? 

My mind raced as I continued to follow, yet a little lagging now as I was cautious. Assuming that The Blade was here, I would hate to show up unannounced like this. I tried to not fear much, seeing as how fear starts wars, incites actions that hurt others and clouds your judgment, but the thought of opening that door to the looming figure of the thing feared by nearly everyone in the land, the thing that had put a picaxe through Big Q's teeth and left him for dead in the tunnels of L'Manburg, it scared me. 

As we climbed the creaky stairs up to the front door, I peered slightly around at the figure to see him pull out some keys and shove open the door rather forcefully, as the ice that had held the door in place cracked and shattered, falling to the figure's feet as they pushed the door open. 

My fear was overcome with joy as the warmth of a fire, that crackled heartily in the main room, seeped out from the doorway onto me. I shuffled eagerly into the house after the figure, who had already started to shed their bulky layers onto a coat rack by the door. I slowly did the same, but I held my own cloak in my arms, not wanting to impose a presence in someone else's home. I peered at the man who now stood before me, as he removed all the warm coverings but his ruffled white undershirt, which from under the collar I could see an emerald neck-clasp shining. I now got a chance to see that he had pointed ears that were pierced in several places with small, fine and dainty gold chains. Some also had similar emeralds at the end, hanging loosely and casting reflections as they swung. The crown still lay perched upon his head, with simple jewels embedded into the front. I looked away from him soon after inspecting these things however. It was rude to stare. 

I took a little look around my surroundings instead. A cozy room with chests, brewing stands and paintings stood before me. There was also a small boat in front of the fireplace. This was very strange to me, so I inched closer to see if it served any practical purpose. It did not, it was just there. I nodded my head in approval. 

"Where did you come from?" The man asked me, and I spun around slowly to face him in response.

"Just outside of L'Manburg." I replied, noticing him tense at the mention. 

"Are you one of them?" 

"No, I don't associate with them." 

He seemed relieved at my answer but still wary. He motioned for me to give him my cloak and I handed it over rather hesitantly. He gave me an assuring look as he placed it up on a hook to dry off. I tried to relax my nerves a little, but my brain was going crazy. The more I looked at his pointed ears and long salmon hair, the more I started to try and figure out who he was.

"Have you always lived here?" I asked, trying to make small talk, but also curious as to his origin, and to the owner of the house.

"No, no I haven't." He lamented. "But I live here now."

So, maybe he wasn't The Blade. Perhaps he was watching the house for him?

"I'm Technoblade, by the way." He said not to make eye contact. He had this somber look on his face, like he was keeping his doors closed shut tight on purpose. 

"The Blade?" I squeaked.

Now he made eye contact.

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