Chapter 4

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I sat on a wooden chest down in Techno's basement as I waited for him to come back from ice fishing.

"I don't even know if this was a good idea,," I muttered as I gaze at the door expectantly.

After he had put all his layers back on, Techno had grabbed a fishing rod and a torch and headed out.

"I'll be back in about half an hour, fish don't like biting in the cold. If you really get hungry, there's some carrots there in that chest. If you get lonely or something you can visit Carl outside."

Who Carl was remained a mystery to me, but I was a grown woman, I wasn't going to get lonely after half an hour.

But that half an hour turned into a full hour, which turned into two, then three. He had been gone so long the storm had let up. I peeked my head out the door to see a horse in the little alcove outside. Must be Carl. I looked around at the white wasteland. The stone tower several meters in front of the house loomed high in the darkness. It's shape was fuzzy and ominous. He had been gone for too long. I was worried now.

I closed the door swiftly and climbed back upstairs to grab my coat as I ran out the front door. Standing on the landing I peered at which direction he might have gone. The snowstorm had all but eradicated his footprints, unfortunately. I trudged down the now slushy steps, but missed the last one and fell onto my ass in the snow. Grunting, I shoved myself back up. I had never really been in cold weather and it showed, fiercely. I kept going, pulling my feet up high as I hiked through the snow.

"Technoblade? Hello? It's been like, three hours I got a little concerned!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my words reverberating off the nearby mountains. I yelled more, crying his name out to see if I could get a response.

After a while of this my throat stung with the cold, and I was panting, out of breath. I sat down in the snow and looked up at the stars. I felt a little helpless at that moment. I wasn't used to any of this. Normally I was good at being the hero, helping people when they needed it, taking the high ground. But this trip to see the blade had shown me how terribly human I was. I assumed things about someone I didn't even know, and now I couldn't even trek across some snow to go find them. I laid back and kept looking up at the sky. Without all the light from L'Manburg, the stars shone so perfectly. I heard the snow crunch behind me.

"You good?" I heard a semi-familiar, deep tone ask.

I sat up with some effort and turned around to see Techno standing there with two massive fish, dead and bloody slung over his shoulders.

"Yeah,,, I was just looking for you..." I said slowly, staring at the fish.

Techno looked up to the stars where I had been lost. "In the sky?"


"Not the sky, persay. The stars though perhaps." I retorted.

He let out a deep rumbling chuckle, "Well I am pretty famous, you might find me up there."

I pushed myself up off the ground. He started off towards the house and I followed. When he got inside he threw the fish down on the ground by the fire. He asked if I knew how to skin and cook a fish to which I shook my head.

"Well you're about to learn then." He said as he pulled out a knife.



This chapter is a bit shorter because I have to code my dumbass exam project lol, if you enjoy the fic tell me, if you don't also tell me, I enjoy feedback. I'm very bored yet very busy at the same time lol. Ok bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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