Chapter 3

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This time he made eye contact.

I stared back at him. I was frankly embarrassed. The fear in my voice was so evident, it was insulting. His gaze struck through any walls I had before my remorse.

"Sorry, I-" I started to apologise. He had taken me into his home to get out of the ravenous winds surrounding us and I returned the favor by insulting him.

"No it's ok. It all comes with the title." He sighed, slumping a little onto a nearby table. He pulled up a chair and beckoned for me to come sit across from him. I scampered my way over, my once courtly manner now lost in the winds outside. I must have left it at the door.

I sat, leaning forwards to drag the chair closer to the table, and as I raised my head I saw him fiddling with his neck-clasp. I pulled my small pouch up onto the table carefully. Techno looked at it apprehensively.

"I found something after the second war, and I don't know your relations to Tommy anymore but,"

I pulled out the compass and placed it face up on the table. His eyebrows raised lightly as he reached out for it. Opening it carefully, he traced his fingers over the engraving,

"Your Tubbo"

"I don't-" He started, but stopped himself. He looked down at the compass, lost in thought. I sat there, staring at him, also staring. I darted my eyes to the side awkwardly. He was obviously reflecting on something buried away in his own spirit.

"Sorry, you're probably hungry after your journey, I'll find some food and then I wanna know about this research you've spoken of." He said, gesturing if he could put the compass in his pocket, to which I nodded. I didn't need the compass, not like he probably did. He pushed his chair back and climbed a ladder behind him downstairs. I sat at the table, pulling my pouch off of it and slinging it around my torso. I tapped my fingertips on the table rhythmically while I waited. If I knew how to whistle I would. I drummed my fingers along to the only beat I really enjoyed, a disk found in the deep dark, guarded by pig people.

I stopped when I realised that it might be weird if Techno is part pig, or something. I wasn't sure exactly what he was. I stuck to sitting and waiting quietly. I heard a lot of rummaging around downstairs, and then I heard a crash and a grunt. I carefully got up from my table to go squint down the ladder hole.

"Everything alright?" I called down, my voice echoing off the stone walls of the basement.

"Yeah I'm-"

Another crash.

I lowered myself down the ladder meticulously. I saw the now frazzled man half in a chest trying to find something. I walked over and peeked inside. There were fireworks, potions, weapons, and other things of destruction. My eyes widened a bit but I didn't move.

"I can't find any food other than carrots." He sighed, throwing himself out of the chest and falling to the floor, laying there motionless in defeat. I stared at him confused.

"Do you only eat carrots?"

"No, Phil normally brings food." He mumbled.

I shook my head. No one was coming in this snowstorm, so what he had in the house was what we were going to eat.

"Ok, ice fishing time I suppose." He lamented as he rose from his spot on the floor. I perked up and looked at him concerned. "Ice fishing? In this weather?" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry I'll go by myself, you don't have to come-"

"No, it's freezing, how can you ice fish out there?" I said, motioning to the door, which was battered with the winds occasionally, making loud thuds and creaks.

"Uhhhhhhhh" He droned off as he rummaged some more for what I presumed to be a fishing rod.

I shook my head. What the hell.

What was this man thinking?! It was freezing out there, he brought me in here specifically so that we wouldn't freeze.

"We came in so we wouldn't freeze, why would-" I asked,

He interrupted my thought with, "We came inside so YOU wouldn't freeze." He turned and looked me up and down. I suppose I wasn't really dressed for this level of cold. He was right, he lived here and was accustomed to the weather. I sighed.

"Ok, fine." I gave in and he chuckled, a warm light radiating from his frosty flushed face. His skin had a more pink tone to it I didn't notice before.

Was this really The Blade? The man who mass murdered the members of L'Manburg? His smile revealed sharp teeth hidden behind his salmon lips, just barely peeking thru. My mind wandered to the deepest depths of what everyone's said he's done,

Those teeth ripping into someone's neck, tearing at the tender skin until blood draws and showers his pink hair, leaving patches of crimson. That smile turning sick and twisted as he watches the world burn before him.

I snap back to reality as I realise he's said something to me.

"Salmon or Cod?"

His innocent question makes me flush. How embarrassed and ashamed I was. I knew nothing of this man, obviously. My imagination runs wild with the ideas and gruesome fantasies the people around me have spun, when the actual person stands in front of me, ready to explain his side of the story and yet I can't separate the two.

"Cod" I reply with a weak smile. 

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