Chapter Two

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At the sound of an ear piercing scream, Niall quickly turned himself over, sitting up in bed as Becca made a mad dash for the door. She was quickly grabbed around her torso, the attacker pressing her back against his stomach, lifting her feet off the ground as she let out another shout.

Niall jumped out of the bed, shouting back to let go of Becca as he started his own sprint for her. He was quickly halted by another intruder who grabbed at him, as Niall ducked out of the way, searching for a way around him.

These intruders were incredibly odd looking, wearing torn clothing and extremely worn boots. In all, five strangers had entered the room. The one attempting to stop Niall had long, filthy blonde dreadlocks covered by a worn three-pointed hat that looked straight out of the eighteenth century, wearing dark pants, a dirty yellow vest, and stained white sleeveless shirt with holes throughout the whole ensemble. He was very muscular as issued by his large tattooed arms, and his teeth were a vile yellow as he smiled at Niall, his crazed eyes glaring, saying: "You want to dance pretty boy?" Whereby he pulled a dagger from his belt loop, and began to slash at Niall.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Niall yelled at the stranger, continuing to dodge by stepping backwards and sideways in order to avoid injury. As much as Niall had trained his muscles physically, he realized he stood a significantly less of a chance in a fight when he was unarmed. The man just continued to laugh crazily as he chased Niall with his knife, slowly backing him into a corner.

As another man of similar build to the first one continued to tighten his grip on Becca, she continued to fight back as best as she could. She kicked her legs wildly in an attempt to be let free, and when she tried to reach her arm back to elbow her attacker, he quickly grabbed the limb and pressed it back against her body, squeezing it against her rib cage and she continued to shout to be let go and put down. This man holding her was dressed in ripped green pants, a dark red shirt, greasy black hair with a similar green bandana wrapped around his head. He had significantly more height than Niall's attacker, and an even larger set of muscles.

"Let me go!" Becca continued to shout, the black haired man pulling forward trying to press her against the wall. Her feet raised against the wooden door as she continued to push back against his force, doing whatever she desperately could do free herself.

The other three in the room followed these descriptions: the third being a bald man, with large black mustache curled at the tips, wearing wide legged dark blue pants and only a vest, three gold teeth shining through his mouth. The fourth, shorter, stouter, white hair, a beard, and glasses. A blue and white striped shirt underneath an overcoat that was much too small for his size.

Niall, now backed into this corner had two options, either fight back and risk injury, or get injured with no way to fight back. As his attacker reached his weapon upwards, Niall charged him, grasping his wrist containing the weapon, forcing him to drop it as they struggled to the floor. Landing on top of his attacker, Niall proceeded to deliver blows against his jaw, while the strange looking man reached to lift Niall off of him.

The final intruder stood proudly just peering from the dark. With his singular hand gripped on the guard on his sword, and his iron hook resting at his side, he observed the situation he had caused before him. His long black curls rested on his shoulders and his back, topped off by a bright red pointed hat, significantly larger than that of his crew, a large white feather sticking out of it. He wore dark red pants, clean boots, and a matching long coat, detailed in gold with buttons and lapels. The puffy white shirt underneath was bright and clean, in fact, his whole ensemble was spotless in comparison to the appearance of the others in the room, and though he was inactive in the attack, it remained clear that he was the direct motivator for this onslaught.

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