Chapter Twelve

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"When you take him home, please tell my Gran I love her. Please tell her I'm sorry."

"Stop talking like this. Stop it, now." He shouted, and his shadow disappeared from the window.

"Peter? Peter, please come back." She called out, "I--I'm sorry."

When he appeared at the window, she felt the slightest twinge of hope. That perhaps he would be able to pull himself through, destroy the chains that bound her, made the bars disappear.

Now, she feared it was all too lost. Now she needed a new dream, a new reality, even. That someone had to make it home. The someone had to be Niall. He was everything, not just to her, but to so many people across the globe. What was she in comparison? A speck. Someone needed to care for Gran, Niall could do that. Someone needed to stay alive. It, very distinctively, had to be Niall. It had to be him.

But, still.

She wanted to go home. She wanted to get away. She was exhausted. She was weak. She wanted to give it all up. It would be easier for everyone if she just, you know. Gran would be safe. Peter would be safe. Niall would be safe. Life is not so easily given up, but the fight was. Her fight, she felt, was near the end.

He flew back up to the window, and exclaimed feverishly:

"Becca, listen to me. I know, I promise we can get you out of this. You have made it this far through the impossible, just believe for a little while longer that you can do this." She listened, staring at the boy. "Niall is ready for this, you're ready for this. I promise. Please. Please don't give up on this. We're so close. You'll go home free, you both will, I promise. Both of you will go home."

There was something about Peter Pan. Perhaps it was his innocence, or his wonder, or maybe his belief in the goodness of humanity. But something, something in his voice, in his belief in her and Niall felt genuine. And it made her want to break free even more to throw her arms around him and hug him. But the reality didn't feel as he said.

"Peter." She moved slightly. "I want to believe you. I do." She paused, dropping her eyes. "I just want to go home."

"You will. You will."

Down the hall, she felt large footsteps vibrating through the floorboards, and the distinct high pitched jingle of keys.

Spinning her head quickly towards the door, she whispered to the boy,

"Peter, I hear someone."

"I need to go."

No, she felt desperate. Not now, please protect me.

"Peter, please don't leave me." She tried reaching to him, and failing. She could hear footsteps fumbling down the hallway towards where she was.

"They can't catch me here, it won't keep you safe."

"Peter, please promise me he goes home. Please take him home." She begged him once more.

"Hang on a little while longer, okay?"

"Peter, I'm--"

"I have to go." His shadowy figure disappeared from the window.

"No, please, Peter." She faded her voice as the figure paused outside of the door.

Her breath hitched as she slowly dropped to the floor, hoping she would melt away as she heard each of the keys clank together one by one, as the shadow beneath the door looked for the correct one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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