Sex does not equal love... Its just a really hot bonus

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(Y/N)s pov:

I sighed, hitting my head on the table as Miss Fleming lectured me and Heather about fucking in the janitor's closet. "(Y/N) Dean are you listening to a word I'm saying!" Miss Fleming yelled. "No, I'm not. You know why? What's gonna happen? Heather can't get me fucking pregnant could she? I've seen what's in her skirt. Trust me. She doesn't have a dick and even if she somehow did I'd rather fucking die and burn in hell than go through the shit you call the miracle of life." I said as I pull out a marker and started doodling on my sketchbook. 

"Miss Dean. Sex does not equal love." She said. 

I snapped, shooting up from my desk and glaring at her. 

Heather sat back and stayed quiet, clearly enjoying the show. 

"Just because no one ever fucked you when they loved you doesn't mean I can't get fucked without being loved either.. Sex does not equal love... It's just a really hot bonus.." I said. 

Heather snickered and covered her mouth.

 "And what makes you think Miss Chandler loves you." Miss Fleming said. 


First of all, it's none of your goddamn business if Heather loves me or not. 

Second of all. I don't need Heather to love me. I can fucking love myself. The fact that I don't even tolerate myself some days is beyond the fucking point. 

Thirdly. I can and will list every single goddamn thing Heather loves about me. 

Fourthly... well I don't really have a fourthly I'm just talking so I don't have to hear your ugly ass try and tell me Heather's only fucking me because I have a body to die for or whatever the hell you were ranting about. 

You've wasted enough of my time. I could be naked in Heather's bed making her scream my name. Instead, I'm stuck here listening to some old fat bitch complain about finding 2 of her students making love in the janitor's closet. Heather has a shit ton of time to waste. I don't." I yelled in her face before grabbing my sketchbook and my bag and storming out of the classroom. 

I walked over to my locker and stuffed my bag into it, groaning once I realized my locker was too full for my sketchbook. I slammed my locker shut and went over to Heather's, opening it and sliding my sketchbook in. I heard a door open and looked over as Heather poked her head out of Miss Fleming's classroom. 

"Hey, Dean!" She screamed loud enough for the school to hear. "What!" I yelled back even though we were only about 15 feet away from each other. "I love you!" She yelled. 

I smiled and looked at her, laughing softly. 

"Holy shit you hear that guys! Heather Fucking Chandler loves me!" I screamed. "Would you two lovebirds shut up! Your love is sickening!" Jason yelled. "Shut up Jason!" Heather and I screamed. 

Heather looked at me and laughed. "Meet at yours?" She asked hopefully. I smiled and nodded as I closed her locker. "Yeah just use your key. Unless Jason changed the locks while I was asleep." I said. "Hey! Are you talking about me!" Jason yelled. "Honestly.... Yes!" I yelled. 

Heather giggled and smiled. "Idiot." She muttered. "Pillowcase." I said as I twirled my keys around my fingers and walked by Heather on my way out. 

"Forgetting something?" She asked playfully as I opened the door. I turned around and looked at her. "Hm... keys... check. Phone.. check. Shoes.. check. Incredibly good looks.. check. Hmmm... OH! I remember. Bye Jason!" I screamed. "Good riddance bitch!" Jason screamed back from his class. "Well, that's everything." I muttered. 

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