✦Chapter 2✦

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October 1, 2020 6:27 AM
Dream POV

When I woke up I checked my phone to see when time it was and it said [6:27 AM] i got out of bed to get changed for school. I was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie. It was October 1, in one month it would be the anniversary of George being missing for 5 years now. After all this time most of us thought he was dead or something. Me not wanting to believe that, I believed that he got kidnapped or left town and ran away to relatives house.

After I got changed I went downstairs to get breakfast. I went to check the time again and it was [6:48 AM]. For breakfast decided on eating a PB&J sandwich. For some bizarre reason school starts at 7:00 AM and my walk to school was 14 minutes so after I ate I  speed walked to school.


When I got to school I saw Sapnap with some of our friends, Wilbur, Tommy, Toby, Niki, Quackity, and Minx. I walked up to them and sat down at the table they were sitting at.

"Hi Dream" Niki said with a smile.

"Hey guys" I said.

We talked for a bit then the bell rang i looked at the time [7:00 AM] we all got up and went to our classes. Me and Sapnap had first class together which was always super fun. We both got to class and sat down.

"Hello everyone! Today we have a new student, he will come in a bit" Ms. Poggers said with a smile on  her face.

At Least 15 minutes into this horribly slow class we saw the door open slightly. Sapnap and I glanced and each other, we heard a faint "I don't want to go in" I heard a slight accent though I couldn't make it out.

Then I saw a boy walk in. Short, brown hair, one eye was blue the other brown, it looked like he had been crying but I didn't pay attention to that.

Who I just described was George.


A/N YAY NEW CHAPTER!!! like i said my writing sucks sooooooooo yea

next chapter or maybe in a few chapters we will find out :(:

ALL CHAPTERS WILL BE SHORT!! unless i have motivation to write long chapters

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