✦Chapter 5✦

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TW: Violence, Blood, Bullying, bones(I don't like bones personally), mentions of murder

October 1, 2020 12:12 PM
Dream POV

After class was over I looked to George. He was a little on edge, most likely because he was going to tell me what happened. 

"Dream? Are you paying attention, I'm gonna tell you what happened" He said.

"O-oh yea sorry, so uhmm what happened?"

"Well I was going to the washroom then, who you Dave right? Everyone calls him Technoblade, shittiest nickname." George said laughing a little at the end.

"Oh yea, I know techno. We use to be kind of good friends in middle school he didn't talk to me that much after that middle school was over." I said, "Wait so continue, what about techno?" I said.

"So when I went to the washroom- before I continue Techno used to bully me, and after I disappeared I guess he still wants to bully me. Continuing on, I went inside and he saw me and started chasing me out of nowhere." He took a breath and continued "He's much more faster than me so he caught up to me and I tripped. When I fell he took that moment to his own good and started hitting me. He also grabbed me by the arm and I think he broke my arm. I thought I saw my bone sticking out a little bit" George finished and took a deep breath.


"George? Can I see your arm I need to see if it broken or not." I asked him.

"Oh yea sure" George said. He lifted his arm and winced a little from the movement, I took George's arm and indeed did see a little bone popped out. Right then and there I wanted to throw up. It was super gross.

"Let's go take you to the Nurse so you can you to the hospital" I said while helping him get up. I forgot we stayed in the classroom later than usual so he could tell me. We walked out of the classroom and took him to the Nurse.

"Hi Miss. Prime, George needs to be taken to the hospital for a bad broken arm" I said.

"Hi Clay! Oh my it's been a while George, now let's see that arm." She said. "Oh my that's really bad, how did this happen?" Miss Prime said.

"Well-" I was about to start until I was cut off by.

"Fell down the stairs." George said, surprisingly Miss. Prime bought it.

"Ok George, do you heave anyone to call?" Miss. Prime asked

3rd Person POV

George hesitated to answer, he decided to say "No"

"oh ok, so you don't have anyone to take you to the hospital? How about your mom." Miss. Prime asked.

"No, my mom is uhmm d-dead." George said. George regretted what he said.

"Tell anyone your mom is dead ill kill you. no hesitation."

"Oh I'm sorry dear, I didn't know. How about your dad?" Miss. Prime asked once again.

"N-no my dad is also dead." George answered.

"George? Remember how I told you if you tell anyone I killed your mom I'll kill you. Well, tell anyone that your dad is also dead, once again I will kill you. No hesitation."

"Ok, aunt or uncle?" Miss. Prime said, getting a little inpatient.

"Yeah I think, let me check" He said again.

"If you get in trouble and you need someone to pick you up from school just say I'm your uncle. Okay?"

George got his phone out of his pocket and went to call his 'uncle'

"Hi! U-uncle, I kind of broke my arm.. can you pick me up, please?" there was silence then, "Okay, thank you." George hung up and said "He will bee here in a little."

"Okay well Clay you can stay if you want or go back to the cafeteria." Miss. Prime said walking away.

"George? If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents and who do you live with?" Dream asked.

"Oh I live with my uncle, and my parents.. well I don't remember that much, all i know is that they got murdered by some guy." George didn't lie fully, he does know his parents got murdered, and he doesn't remember all of what happened that day. The door opened to the Nurses office to see a man. He wore jeans, vans, and a black hoodie. What caught Dream off guard is that the man didn't have the British accent George has.

"Hey George, lets get you to the hospital before anything get worse for your arm." The man said.

"Good idea, Dream can you let the nurse know that I left with my uncle?" George asked.

"Sure thing, I hope your arm gets better. Will you come to school tomorrow?" Dream said. He was hoping George could go to school the next day. One reason is that its his friend, and seconded reason is that George just cam back to school.

"Yeah I think ill be able to go back to school, alright bye dream see ya tomorrow!" George said.

"Bye George!" Dream said back. When George left the rest of the day was pretty boring, classes, people asking where George was and I told them all the same thing "He tripped and broke his arm."

Then finally the painfully slow school day was over.

Word Count: 945

A/N: Hi!! i cant tell if this is longer than the other chapters I've wrote but anyways i will be updating the book really randomly. This chapter I'm proud of but its also sucky :/

I kind of gave you hints on what happened to gogy more hints will be coming soon :D

Make sure to not do drugs, don't break the law, and have a amazing day!

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