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"Who the hell is 5 Seconds of Summer anyways?" The brunette asks, as she takes the (fake) cigarette from between her lips and tosses it to the concrete ground.

"They sound like some lame-ass boy band to me." She answers her own question and begins to spray paint a red tally mark onto the ground, just as the camera pans down to show what she's doing.

"But...They happen to be quite hot." Richie remarks with a small wink towards the other camera before walking off, this being the ending for the "Good Girls" music video.

"CUT! Richie, that was perfect! It's exactly what we need for the ending of this music video." Alyssa (aka The Director) says with a smile.

Which causes Richie to blush since she's not used to hearing these kind of compliments, especially from adults.

"Thanks! That was a lot of fun...But do you think the cigarette toss was too much? should I redo––" Richie's response quickly gets cut off by Alyssa; who's clearly hushing her to stop talking and although Richie finds the action quite rude, she chooses not to speak up.

"As I was saying, You improvised the entire scene. You clearly know what you're doing...You just doubt yourself."

"Ha-Ha, Yeah...I've been told I have a problem with that." Richie awkwardly admits and begins to rub the back of her neck.

"Have a problem with what?" A voice cuts in that had a familiar Australian accent to it,  causing both Alyssa and Richie to turn around to see who it was; "Oh um! Nothing that concerns you." Richie replies quickly out of discomfort, before realizing how rude she must sound to the bassist, Calum Hood.

"Shit, I'm sorry...I was just speaking to Alyssa about how I did in the ending of the music video." She explains and runs her fingers through her long brown hair, trying to keep her hands busy as she spoke to the musician.

Calum lets out a laugh at the girl's behaviour, clearly not caring how she had acted around him a few seconds prior.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Calum." He introduces himself formally and holds his hand out towards the shorter brunette.

"So I've heard. A lot of the girls have been talking about you...And more specifically about how annoying you are." Richie jokes with a smile, all of this just being apart of her nature.

"Anyway, I'm Richie Lucas." She adds, deciding to finally introduce herself and shake the Australians hand since it had been stuck out for quite some time.

"How annoying I am? Really? I thought they would have been talking about how annoying Michael is and how hot  I am!––I'm appalled!" Calum exclaims in mocked offence, which as expected causes Richie to begin laughing; mostly out of relief that the male can take a joke and not be uptight about it.

"Sorry that I have to be the one to break it to you, Calum, but it's the truth." Richie replies in a faux-serious tone just to continue on with the joke they had going, because in all honesty she's beginning to feel more at ease now as to before.

While Calum adjusts the backwards baseball cap on his head, he smiles softly towards the girl who stands before him alongside the director.

"Hey...Soooo, the guys and I are going out for a bite to eat in a few minutes...If you want you can tag along with us. We're just going to some hot dog stand nearby that Michael was raving about." The offer surprised Richie, but not in a bad way especially because she hasn't eaten yet.

"Oh? Hm...Hot Dogs do sound so good right now...So sure! I'm down for tagging along." She says, accepting Calum's offer for a late lunch.

"Cool. Meet you outside?"

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