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"Hello? " Ashton's voice rang through her phone, making her stomach twist into knots. She had no idea why the boy gave her his number or why he told her it was important for her to call him as soon as she could.

"Oh--Sorry. Hi, it's Richie. Richie Lucas, y'know the girl you texted on Instagram?"

"Right. I wasn't sure if you were actually going to call or not."

"Well, I figured I might as well considering THE Ashton Irwin had DMed me his number. Like, Oh my God. I'm going to faint." She gasps out teasingly with a smirk, although he can't see her.

With a breathy laugh, Ashton adjusts his grip on the phone and leans back against the  headboard of his bed. "Haha. Very funny."

"I know. I could probably be a professional comedian. Don't you agree?"

"I would say so." Ashton agrees, deciding to go along with the joke in an attempt to make things less awkward between the two of them.

"I'm glad you think so, Ashton. Anyways, what's so important that you felt a need to give me your number?" Richie asks, hiding her excitement and fear quite easily. Even though the fact that she has hung out with 5SOS and now has had two out of four of them text her on Instagram is so surreal.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about Calum."

"You wanted to talk to me about Calum? " Richie repeats slowly and without even waiting for a response begins to laugh, thinking all of this has to be some joke the boys are playing on her for no particular reason.

"That's funny, Ashton. To think I thought I was a comedian. Honestly, Dude. I don't know why you're calling me to talk about Calum, I honestly thought this would be the other way around."

"Oh, so you are interested in Cal."

Richie's heart stopped in realizing what she seemed to imply and began to turn a crimson red colour, "What?! No. That's--That's not what I meant." She stumbles over her words due to the speed to which she is speaking. 

Ashton raises his eyebrows in amusement and can't help the laugh that escaped his lips, "Looks like it's my turn to tell you to 'chill out', Huh?"

Upon hearing this, Richie begins to calm down and lets out an awkward laugh that only made her more embarrassed because she's so used to being the nonchalant and chill one. Especially in front of the band.

"Anyways. Back onto the Calum topic. I think he likes you and I know that you're probably going to say that it's too soon to tell but Michael spilled the beans to me saying that Calum has already asked you to hang out with us again."

"We just met, Ashton. There's no way he can like me. This isn't modern day Romeo and Juliet."

"Of course not, this isn't going to end up in a double suicide."

Even though Richie can admit that Calum Hood is an extremely attractive individual with absolutely no shame, she finds it rather ridiculous that Ashton could think that Calum likes her this soon.

It doesn't seem realistic to her.

Richie lays back against the fluffy pillow on her couch and exasperatedly sighs, "I don't know, Ashton. This all sounds pretty, well, pretty out there. Besides, I've already got a shit ton of comments saying I'm a groupie slut and after today I don't know if I want to handle anymore of that." She admits.

"Wait. What happened today?"

"Look, it doesn't matter. I just didn't have a good day at work that's all." She mumbles and fidgets with the end of her baggy concert t-shirt.

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