Ch2 p2 Burns

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Hawks stands bewildered as Y/n moves around Hawks wings to face Dabi. Dabi puts a large hand on top of her head and brushes her hair back.
"Y/n....I can't tell you how sorry I am. I never wanted to hurt you. I tried to fight the drug so bad and I know I made you do things you hated. I am so so sorry."
Y/n grabs Dabi into a hug, tears stinging her eyes. She cradled his head as he slightly trembles.
"It's okay Dabi. I'm just happy to have all my friends and loves back. And as much as I am terrified of Shigaraki. I know I am not alone." Shocked by Y/n's warm embrace her tiny frame in his arms. He hugs her back. His heart relieved.
-Bird brain isn't gonna like this.- Dabi smirks at Hawks. Hawks narrows his eyes at Dabi and clears his throat. Y/n comes back to him.
"So Dabi, Toga.....what exactly is Shigaraki planning to do? Why be this cruel? Why be so determined to get my baby bird?" Toga and Dabi look at each other. Dabi rubs the back of his neck.
"Shigaraki wants to take over hero commission and destroy both factions. He wants to run over Japan with an Iron fist and some day the world. Starting with this city. He was going to have Y/n and I burn this city to the ground and throw me into the fire. Keeping Y/n drugged as his pet. We don't know what's going through his head honestly."
"Shiggy didn't use to be this way. Before All for One was defeated, he told us he met someone. That he actually wanted to leave villain work and keep the person safe. We never met them. But after All for one was defeated...Shiggy got real mean. That's when he changed. Like Dabi when Shiggy was "defeated"." They were quiet for awhile then Y/n spoke up.
"I think we need to leave both factions. We need to take down Shiggy and Endevour. We need to travel and gain allies in other countries and unite them to take them down." Dabi chuckles.
"I am down for destroying my father but do you really think we can take them both down Little mouse?" Dabi moves a bit closer smirking and crossing his arms. Hawks wings tighten around Y/n telling Dabi to back off. His eyes narrowing at the scarred man. Toga sensing the tension in the air speaks up standing between the two men.
"Hey hey now. I think we should go with Y/n's plan. I can go the east and start to gather allies." Y/n shakes her head.
"No I feel we need to stick together, you and Dabi can try to reason with the Villains in the area and Hawks the heroes. I can do the civilians or Hawks." Hawks grumbles a bit.
"Baby bird I think it is best you stay out of sight. You are pretty infamous pretty bird. Plus you are still recovering." Dabi bites his lip looking down ashamed and Toga puts a supportive hand on his shoulder. Dabi nervously runs his hands through his jet black hair. He looks at Hawks.
"For once I agree with you Bird man. But someone will need to stay with her. We can all take shifts." A low growl comes from Hawks which surprises everyone. Hawks clenches his jaw.
      "I don't know if I trust you with her Dabi. She is in a extremely fragile state thanks to you and Shigaraki. The doctor didn't even know how she was still alive!" Dabi's eyes stricken with guilt wide as saucers. Tears forming in his eyes. " I know you were under control but I am still scared. I lost her for ten years. I don't wanna lose her again." Y/n hovers slightly flapping her wings and kisses him on the cheek.
"I know you are worried baby but I can give you hourly voice updates from whose ever phone I am with." Hawks shakes his head.
"No baby bird I will go out and buy you a new one. And Dabi is gonna come with me. We will gather things for our trip plus I need to talk to him one on one." Dabi rolls his eyes.
"Fine bird brain are we leaving now?" Hawks stares right at Dabi intensely.
"No not yet. I have to tend to my baby bird." Dabi and Toga look at each other very confused as Hawks head to the fridge pulling out the burn medicine. He also grabs Y/n a dietary shake. Dabi's face grows pale seeing all the burns all over Y/n's body. Hawks takes Y/n's hands and has her sit on the couch as he very carefully massages the cream into her burns. She yelps slightly in pain. Every yelp causing Dabi to flinch. Hawks smirks a bit watching Dabi and Toga's reaction.
Dabi begins to tremble at the realization of what exactly Hawks is doing.
-I did that.....I did that to that beautiful creature. That beautiful woman. I wasn't strong enough. I am pathetic.- Toga and Dabi hang their head.
"I am so fucking sorry Little mouse." Dabi wipes tears from his eyes as Hawks finishes up. He can't bare to look at Y/n. His heart aching from what he did to her. Hawks stands up and motions for Dabi.
"Come on Burnt toast. Let's go. Ladies hold down the fort." Hawks kisses Y/n's forehead. "I love you baby bird." Dabi shoved his hands into his pockets avoiding eye contact with Y/n.
"Uh..stay safe girls." Dabi smiles awkwardly at the girls.
"You two stay safe too!" Toga sits down next to Y/n as the boys leave the apartment.
"Finally!!!" Toga grabs Y/n's hands beaming. "Now we can have some bestie time together!" Y/n giggles as Toga bumps her shoulder. "I know let's paint our nails!"
"But..." Y/n puts her fingers together ."I don't have any stuff like that here." Toga thinks for a minute scrunching up her nose in a cute manor.
"I know! I will order some from the store and have them deliver it. Till then we can listen to music and gossip!" Y/n's eyes lit up like fireworks.
"That sounds like so much fun! I'll go put on some music and get some snacks!" Y/n gets off the couch her wings fluttering. She skips over to the radio and puts on some MCR the music dotting the air. Toga finishes ordering the nail stuff and smiles big.
"Good choice on music bestie!" Y/n sits down relaxing on the couch. Y/n side eyes Toga.
"Toga?" Toga looks over at Y/n. "You like Dabi don't you?" A blush comes over Toga's cheeks. She looks down at her feet fiddling with her fingers.
"Yeah I do. All though he is in love with you. Even though he knows he can probably never have you. He has loved you since the day we all met." She looks at Y/n. -Actually before that. But it's not time for her to know that.- "I don't blame him. You are gorgeous."
"Oh I'm not that pretty. I'm just a walking skellington right now." Toga frowns a bit.
"Y/ gotta let Dabi know you forgive him for what he did. He is really beating himself up for it." Y/n picks at one of her wings.
"I know. He shouldn't beat himself up over it. It's not his fault! Right Hand is literally impossible to fight it's hold on you." Toga nods slowly. *ding dong*
"Ah that must be the store person!" Toga retrieves the nail polish and face masks as they start getting ready.
"Toga, I know you said Dabi loves me. But I think you should try to bond with Dabi. Try to get closer to him." Toga smiles thoughtfully.
"Thank you y/n. I will try." -I don't hold a candle to you Y/n. You are so pretty and kind. At best I can be his best friend. And I will be happy with that.- "Thank you for the advice y/n." Y/n smiles warmly.
"It's what best friends are for! You have been there for me since I arrived at LOV. If it weren't for you I'd still be captured." Toga gives Y/n a tight hug before they start the makes overs.
-hawks and Dabi-
Hawks and Dabi make their way to the phone store quietly. Dabi side eyes Hawks seeing a stoic look on his face.
-He has gotta be furious with me. He probably wanted me out here so he could beat my ass.- Hawks stops walking causing Dabi to stop too. -Here it comes.- Hawks looks Dabi straight in the eyes.
"You don't think I can protect Y/n huh?"

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