Final Chapter Pt1 I don't know

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                     Dabi's mind begins running a mile a minute. He rises his fingers to his lips and begins biting his nails as anxiety rises in his stomach. 

     -How can I protect her? What can I do?- He was so lost in thought, he didn't realize that Y/n had woken up. Her tiny hand reaches up and caresses his face, causing Dabi to flinch. Y/n recoils her hand for a second as her eyebrows furrow. 

      "Baby, what is wrong?" SHe places her hand back against his cheek and he covers it with his, leaning into the embrace of her hand. He takes a deep breath as he scoops her up in a tight embrace. His strong arms very slightly trembling as the fear of losing her tries to take hold of his body.

      "I am just worried, my ember. I'm terrified for your safety. Going back to the middle of this hell whole has me on edge." Y/n pulls away for a second as her eyes survey her surroundings. 

     "When did we get on the train? I thought we had a few more days?" Dabi places a hand on her thigh. Dabi rubs the back of his neck. 

       "Yeah..uh someone leaked to Endevour that you are not only still alive, but also pregnant. Hawks and Toga showed up at our door frightened and beat all to hell. Hawks said he was coming, so we packed up and booked it out of there. Which reminds me, Toga! Hawks! Get in here." Hawks and Toga look back at DAbi and open the cart door. 

    "We managed to alert everyone. Adeline can't come, turns out she is not only pregnant but has a mission of her own to conduct, her boyfriends and their friend are coming though, that green haired kid that Shigaraki hated. Tokoyami will also be joining us as well.  What do you need?" Dabi nods his head and leans forward, setting Y/n next to him on the train cart bench. 

       "Okay good, those kids are hard hitters. However, you guys never told me what happened to you guys." Toga crosses her legs and leans back. 

       "Well, it's pretty self explanatory. We were ambushed after we left you guys. Endevour's men are who ambushed us." Hawks continues this time, obviously concerned. 

     "I had my feather at one of their throats, that's when the coward started spilling everything. He told us how ENdevour knew Y/n was still alive and pregnant. Dabi, they had pictures of her waking in the hospital and of you guys getting into the cab after your wedding." This causes DAbi's face to go as white as a sheet, his hand runs through his hair. Y/n notices and lays a hand on his knee to try to calm him. His grips his other knee with his free hand. Toga continues this time. 

      "We are pretty positive one of the doctor's leaked it, probably that nurse that didn't like you Dabi." Hawks leans back, preening his feather sword. 

      "Right,so Toga and I were just minding our own business, eating dinner. These two guys started shouting at us and one grabbed Toga, that's when ten other guys came out. We fought pretty hard till that guy told us what it was about. We slipped away and ran to you guys as fast as we could." Dabi was obviously on the verge of losing it. THe crippling fear and hatred for his father bubbling close to the surface. Y/n notices and decides to take charge. 

       "Okay so there goes the element of surprise. Let's try to come up with a strategy to defeat Endevour and take him out. If we all work together, with the hello of all the allies we have been gathering, we can do this." Toga and Hawks glance at each other as Dabi let's out an exasperated scoff. Y/n whips her head over to Dabi who is looking at her with crazed eyes. 

     "Who is this we you are referring to?" Y/n narrows her eyes at him, slightly offended. 

        "Dabi, I will be helping you with this. I'm not letting you do this alone." Toga and Hawks turn to each other and pretend to be talking. Dabi's fear now turns to anger as he quickly stands.

     "The hell you are! I can't have you or our baby anywhere near the danger! You and Toga are staying in the underground where it is safe." Y/n slowly rises, standing her ground as she stares Dabi down.

      "You aren't serious Dabi. You..." The memory of the horrific night mare she had coming back to her. Tears fill her eyes, she begins shaking her head. "No.....NO! If something happens to you, who will be there to save you? I can save you like I did Toga! You can't just leave me in some strange place!" Dabi glares at Y/n as she continues. 

     "Dabi you can be too damn reckless when it comes to your father and our baby and I need you alive!" Dabi stares at her directly in her eyes. He runs his hands through his hair as he begins breathing rapidly, his emotions about to boil over. 

    -Don't do it you idiot! Don't!- He drops his hands and looks down at the ground. 

     "You would be safer with them than you would with me." Now Y/n grows angry. She shoves Dabi backwards. 

      "You don't get o fucking say that!" Dabi stares at her in utter shock. "Everyone in my life has either left me, hated me, or died. Everyone......ugh!" She pushes Dabi again on his chest causing him to almost fall backwards. Hawks and Toga stand up. They reach out to try to calm Y/n but her wings push them back. "Everyone except for fucking you! So don't say that I would be safer with someone else. The truth is I would just be more scared. So don't you fucking sit there and try to push me away just one day after we got married! I am not going anywhere and Iw ill be beside you!" Dabi's anger boils over, he grabs Y/n's arms and his expression has changed. Taken over by the fear, by the anger. He yells in her face, palms heating up. 

      "I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN PROTECT YOU DAMNIT! WHEN MY DAD CAPTURED ME AND KILLED TOGA......THAT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU! I WAS TOO WEAK, I WAS TOO FUCKING WEAK TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING!! I CAN'T TAKE THAT CHANCE AGAIN Y/N! SO QUIT BEING A STUBBORN LITTLE SHIT AND DO AS I SAY!" Dabi breaths heavily as the smoke fills his nostrils, he lets go and his eyes see the slight burn marks on her arms. "Shit...christ no...wait...Y/" Toga covers her mouth as Hawks stands there in shock. Tears fill Y/n's eyes as she covers her mouth. His heart shatters as she chokes out her next words. 

      "You are an asshole Dabi." Her voice strained and broken. She pushes back the shocked Dabi and opens the outside cart door. Dabi snaps out of it and turns to Y/n, tears falling from his eyes, he reaches for Y/n as she climbs the side of the train cart up to the top. Dabi leans over the railing shouting up to her. 

     "Baby! Wait! I am sorry I didn't mean to. I am so sorry please come back!" Y/n looks back and the sight causes Dabi to recoil back. Tears stream down her face, where he held her arms was bright red now. her eyes were filled with heart break. She extended her wings and covered her mouth as she took off into the air. Hawks comes out onto the train balcony. 

      "I'll go find her. Just...stay here." Hawks lightly pats DAbi's shoulder and extends his wings, flying into the air. Hawks hovers into the air for a second surveying the forest around them, dimly lit with the morning dawn. 

      *Sigh* "Okay baby bird, where di you head off to." 

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