Final Chapter p3 Underground

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              Dabi leads the group to a dark, small alley way. At the end of the alley is a practically invisible door Dabi knocks lightly on the door and a tiny eye hole pops open and a dull looking eye peers out. 

       "Who's th....oh Dabi....we haven't seen you in a long while. Kai said...." Dabi sighs as Hawks eyes widen. 

     "Kai? As In Chisaki?" Dabi put his hand up to silence Hawks. 

       "I assume Kai has kept things running for me. I called him and let him know we were coming. I had to take a bit of a sabbatical due to Shigaraki." The door opens and the man lets them in. Y/n grabs Dabi's arm, standing close to him. He smiles down at her. 

     "IT's okay baby. Nothing to be afraid of." The man at the door hops down of the stool he was one, he managed to only stand about three feet tall and wore a kind og bird costume. 

     "Kai has been keeping things running somewhat smoothly, I'll have you know, he did go crazy for a bit when getting involved with that Eraserheads family. I believe he has the blonde one working for him." Dabi scratched his chin. 

      "Hm, may have to keep an eye on him, would have thought his girlfriend would keep him line." THe small man stops and looks up as Dabi. 

      "You didn't hear? His girlfriend is in a comatose state......she got poisoned." Dabi gulps and grips Y/n's hip tighter. The group grows eerily silent the rest of the way following the winding tunnels into the sewer. They reach the largest tunnel Y/n had ever seen and begin walking down it.  A low hue comes from the end of the tunnel and grows brighter. They come to the end of the tunnel and Y/n, Hawks, and Toga all gasp as Dabi smirks. They come to a huge cavern, little shacks and homes dot the entire area, a make shift hospital and school and even restaurants make up that of a town square. Old light bulbs strung on wire hang all over giving it a some what whimsical feel. They begin walking down as a couple kids run up to Dabi, hope in their eyes. 

      " Dabi! You are back! The bird man sad you would be back....." One of the little kids comes up to Y/n, staring at her. 

      "Hey Dabi, who is the pretty lady?" Y/n giggles and bends down. 

       "My name is Y/n. It's very nice to meet you!" The little kid blushes and runs off giggling. She slips her arm back through Dabi's as they head to what looked like a very nice and big house. 

      "This would be my house. Well our house. All four of us." They enter the house and the inside is bigger than the outside. It's run down and old but beautiful in it's own way. They set their stuff down and the minute they do the little man is at the door. 

     "Dabi, Kai is asking to see you, and heroes are pouring in through the tunnel." Dabi takes Y/n's hand and turns to Hawks and Toga.

     "Can you two greet our allies and tell them to gather at the podium? We will after seeing Kai." Hawks and Toga nod and head over to the entrance. Dabi pulls Y/n close e to him as they head to another big house and the door opens on its own. The atmosphere dark and thick. A man adjourning a bird mask sits in the living room. 

      "Ah, the prodigal leader has returned. How, good to see you. " His golden eyes fall on Y/n and his expression lightens immediately. He excitedly makes his way to Y/n. 

       "Ah you must be the infamous Y/n. My my my, you really know how to pick them Dabi she is quite the specimen. Those wings are beautiful! Heterochromia eyes, and snow white hair. May I ask what your quirk is?" Dabi puts a supportive hand around her hip and nods it's okay. She extends her hand and it is covered in her green fire. 

      "My quirk is called Black Magic. The color of my fire changes color depending on my mood and if I am near Dabi. I can bring small animals back to live, command crows and raise skeletons. I can levitate objects and manifest large knives at will plus many other things." Dabi chimes in this time. 

    "Just a few hours ago, she used to completely deplete my fire when my quirk went on a rampage and she cooled my entire body." KAi clasps his hands together. 

      "Fascinating! After all this is over I would love to work with you on tapping into just everything your quirk can do. You can help with  the kids and help me with my....." Kai trails off, looking at past the two of them. 

      "We heard from Mimic.....I am really sorry." KAi shakes his head. 

        "AH, it is...alright. I am in pursuit of a cure and the culprit. Anyway, glad to have you back fearless leader. I know you are busy. I would love to help but I can't possibly leave my lab right now. Good luck with everything and Y/n, come see me after."  Dabi and Y/n rise and leave the house, the door shutting after them. Kai looks down at the screen on his lap. An unknown woman lay on a bed, wires and tubes coming from her. 

      "I'll get you back to normal Angel. With the help of Y/n, I am sure we can do it."  


      Dabi and Y/n walk up to what looks like an old stage and podium. He looks into the crowd and makes eye contact with his little brother Shoto. He nods at Shoto and he nods back. He takes a deep breath and Y/n squeezes his hand. 

        "Thank you for coming everyone. I know many of you realize, the number one hero has gone off the deep end. He has been relentlessly attacking us. Tries to kill us and is coming after all his little projects from the hero commission. This directly involves many of you here I know. I plan on taking the fight to Endevour himself with your help of course." Mutters erupt over the crowd as he continues. "These tunnels have a direct access to the underneath of Endevour's agency. We will take two teams. I will lead onea nd Hawks will lead the other. Hawks will lead an infiltration team that will slip into the agency from the access down here. My team will hit the building directly and serve as a distraction. Endevour will most likely target Hawks and I, we need you to assist with his many side kicks and extra men he has brainwashed into helping him. Everyone understand the plan?" The crowd is very quiet as Y/n tugs on Dabi's sleeve. 

      "Hm? What is it Ember?" Y/n leans up to his ear. 

       "Try encouraging them, they look nervous." Dabi gulps and grips the microphone, his fierce gaze connecting with that of his allies. 

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