[Arc 1: Descended From The Shroud I]

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A/N: sorry for the very late update everyone got busy with school again and wasnt able to focus much but luckily I found some time to write.

I forgot last time to mention that there will be various arcs that deal with the siren and various faction where he will meet as create allies and enemies alike so expect most characters that will appear are from the faction of each arc.

There will be little appearance for the characters of other factions in each story arc unless of course they play a crucial role within the story arc.

Anyway that is all hope you'll all enjoy and like the new chapter.
(Shen Pov)

Azur Lane, a mobile game about ships being turned either hot, beautiful, and cute womans and girls.

Set in a dark future where humanity is attack by an unkown hostile alien invaders known as the siren who they all believe came from another realm.

I had so little knowledge of the entire game since only my younger brother had ever played the game.

And only listened to several basic and few crucial information about the game and it's entire history.

There were many theories and lore of where the sirens originated and as the storyline progresses.

More and more truths and questions are unveiled for everyone to know and guess which is true and which isn't true.

A good example of the theory of where the siren came from and who created them and what there purpose are, is the sirens are from the future or the main and original timeline that were sent to the past find a solution to save the dying future that they came from.

There methods of finding a solutions. To save the problem though were outright brutal, horrific, and barbaric as they relentlessly attack and destroy many timelines.

Jumping from one timeline after another after they collected all the data they needed from the world they have brought to ruin.

But this is only one of many theories that have been made up by several people and no one knows which theory is the closest to the truth.

The game have also implied that the siren have several creators instead of just single being and I was mentally glad I had listened to my little brothers words back then.

Although info small it will still play some significant role to remind me that there is several makers of the siren not one but several and each would be the main and crucial target.

That are my main priority list to be eliminated if ever I get the chance that is and if I even can find even one of them so the chances to find them for the moment would be small but in the future I may find them.

When they first appeared before mankind they didn't hesitate to attack immediately and humanity was stunned for some time before they could retaliate.

And even when they did there technological was very much useless against this much more advance foe.

Humanity was push out of the sea and unable to do anything that is until the discovery of the wisdom cube which in my own words are.

Magic cubes that transforms ships into beautiful and sometimes cute ship-girls that are created from all of mankind's thoughts, ideals, and dreams made manifest.

They reflect there nations very culture, ideals, dreams, and etc. From the way they act to how the clothes they wear.

Which litteraly was taken to a whole new level of lewdness and if were to describe the entire azur lane universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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