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just another average day for me,  everything is always the same during the daytime. i woke up at around 6:30am, took a shower, ate breakfast, and began to walk myself to the bus stop at around 7:30am. the same old routine every morning. i don't know why i even do these things this way, but i've found it works. shower for about 30 minutes, take 20 to eat breakfast, that leaves me with 10 minutes to do as i please before i leave for the bus stop. 

as i'm walking now, i'm realizing how much quicker and easier it would be if i just rode my skateboard to the bus stop. but that would be unacceptable for someone with the reputation of mine. i'm always known as the girl who never does anything wrong. i'm never late, i get good grades, i help kids with their homework, i never slack off, i never swear, i'm always polite.

 at least that's what they think.

yes, that's how i am during the day, but not at night. at night is when i sneak out of the house and become someone else for a change. i'm known by many different names by all the other skaters around, but they all know night me. it seems like nobody has been able to figure out that [y/n] and whatever else they call me are the same people, but i don't have a problem with it. after all, my reputation means the world to my parents. and me, of course. i mean, why wouldn't i care?..

either way, i made it to the bus stop at the same time as normal. uniform all neat, hair all neat, with no expression on my face whatsoever. that's typically how i walk around school during the day, which according to the bullies of the school, renders me a lovely target. i do often get teased and pushed around, only at the bus stop though. the kids wouldn't dare do it on school grounds. 

today there was a boy standing in the spot i usually stand in, nobody ever stands there but me because of how close it is to the street. it's a chip in the sidewalk, and i always stand there. as i stand and stare at the boy in my spot, i realize that he looks familiar. where i've seen him before, i don't know. he's wearing the same uniform as me, so why not try talking to him? maybe hearing his voice would ring a bell?

"hello, i'm [y/n]. i've never seen you at this bus stop before! first time riding the bus to school?" i said in a friendly tone. i extended a hand out for him to shake, but he only stared at me in disgust. i almost retracted my hand in defeat, but defeated was one thing i never am. no matter what, i won't let something this simple drag me down. i put my hand even closer to him, staring at him expectantly.

after a moment or two of my demanding stare, he reluctantly took my hand and gave it a quite half assed shake. "miya."

after getting what i wanted, i gave a little huff and nudged him away from my spot. "asshole." i muttered under my breath, but it was just loud enough for him to hear. 

i heard him sigh and walk closer to me, i could just feel his smirk as he leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "pushy bitch."

--------he was a boy, she was a girl, can i make it anymore obvious?----






a string of swears left my mouth every time i fell. i didn't think that trying to land such a simple trick would be so hard for me. after all, i would like to consider myself at least half as good as the japanese national hopeful. 

i was alone in the skate park. well, my thoughts and imagination kept me company. so did my board. though the board currently wasn't doing me any good, seeing as i couldn't land this stupid trick. 

i tried again. and again. and again. and again. 

each time i tried i earned myself another bruise or scratch or scrape or something. good thing it was a friday and i wouldn't have to try and hide them from the kids at school. the kids at school got pretty nosy at times, especially with someone as "popular" as me. 

i fell again. this time, i tried to catch myself to avoid another bloody cut but, i ended up twisting my ankle in the process. i yelled out in pain, everything suddenly a blur beneath the pulsing pain i was feeling on my ankle. 

just as soon as i fell to the ground, i saw someone at my side. i held my ankle tight, shielding it from the figure's hands. "get away from me, freak!" i yelled out of instinct. i wasn't sure who he was, and i wasn't sure if he was gonna take advantage of the fact that i was injured. 

"well, that's no way to talk to someone who's gonna help your slimy ass!" the boy said back to me through gritted teeth. despite his poor choice of words, i could tell he was being sincere with the helping part. 

i was pleasantly surprised when his surprisingly gentle hands managed to pry my own off of my ankle. despite how rough his word choice was, his hands were soft. they gave me a sense of warm i hadn't felt from anyone in a long time. 

he gently felt around my ankle before letting out a frustrated sigh. "i can't see, i'm gonna carry your dumbass to a streetlamp or something." he stated bluntly. 

i wasn't opposed to the idea, since i was sure he didn't know the daytime me. but, that all came crashing down on me when i saw who he was in the dim light of the streetlamp. "miya..?"

he looked up quickly at the sound of his name being called, staring right into my eyes before smirking in an amused manor. "no fucking way! pretty princess [y/n] is a dumbass skater who won't take care of herself!" he said, a strange tone of...anger? was laced into the last part of his sentence. 

to say i panicked was an understatement. "miya! don't tell anyone, please! my parents would beat my ass if they found out about this, literally. i'll do anything, just don't tell anyone!" i cried and grabbed his shoulders desperately. 

he seemed to like this, and took advantage of it fully. he finished inspecting my ankle, and finished using the band aids he kept in his backpack on the bleeding wounds i had tanked, before he looked up at me. 

there was this weird look in his eyes, and i couldn't exactly put my finger on what it was. he paused, cleared his throat, and stated something absolutely unbelievable in a completely serious tone. 

"let me be your skater boy. i'll come with you to this skate park at night, protect you from creeps, bandage up any wounds you receive, give you tips on how to do tricks, take you fun places to skate.." 

"you're kidding?"

"nope, i'm being 100% serious."

i sighed. "fine."

--------he wanted her, she'd never tell, but secretly she wanted him as well.----

𝐬𝐤𝟖𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐢 - 【miya chinen】Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant